Where is the difficulty of employment for college students? "Structural mismatch" is the main cause

  Our reporter Gu Yang

  A few days ago, the "Research on Employment of College Students" project group composed of experts from the Development Research Center of the State Council, China Development Research Foundation, and Zhaopin Recruitment released the "Research Report on the Group of College Students with Employment Difficulties."

  Right now, the 2020 graduation season has passed, and the 2021 autumn recruitment will come again. The "Report" shows that as of June this year, "26.3% of the 2020 graduates are still seeking jobs." This means that the employment of college students is facing a "two-term superposition" situation. It is reported that after considering factors such as entering a higher education, going abroad, and the implementation of subsequent public positions, this year there are about 5.9 million college graduates across the country who need to work in market-oriented institutions. The "Report" puts forward measures to deal with the "two-term superposition" of employment for fresh graduates this year and next.

  "In addition to the contradiction between total supply and demand caused by the impact of the new crown pneumonia epidemic, the structural mismatch between the job demand of employers and the abilities and expectations of college students is the main reason for the current difficulty in obtaining employment for college students." Research team leader, State Council Development Zhuo Xian, Deputy Director of the Development Department of the Research Center said.

  According to reports, the structural mismatch of college students’ employment is mainly reflected in the mismatch of regional opportunities and mobility intentions, the mismatch of academic requirements and academic structure, the mismatch of ability requirements and professional background, the mismatch of business nature and employment preferences, and the mismatch between industry demand and job enthusiasm. There are six aspects, including allocation, job gap and mismatch of career choices.

  "From the perspective of regional opportunities and mobility intentions, the eastern region currently provides 51.3% of the job demand for graduates. In June, the proportion of college students sending resumes to the eastern region reached 57.0%, which is 5.7 percentage points higher than the former. 22.6% of college students are in demand for jobs, but only 18.0% of college students submit their resumes to the central region.” said Li Qiang, executive vice president of Zhaolian Recruitment.

  From the perspective of cities, the new first-tier cities and fourth- and fifth-tier cities provided 37.5% and 11.1% of the job demand for college students, but the proportions of college students’ resumes received in June were only 35.9% and 9.8%, respectively, and they became absorbing college graduates. The "depression".

  "There are big differences in employment preferences for companies of different natures, and this is the biggest mismatch of supply and demand in the employment market for college students." Li Qiang, for example, said that private enterprises currently provide 65.8% of job demand for college graduates, but only in June 27.8% of college students' resumes were delivered to private enterprises. On the contrary, state-owned enterprises, foreign companies and listed companies only provided 5.4%, 5.2% and 6.8% of the job demand for college students, but the proportion of college students' resumes delivered to these three types of enterprises reached 13.8%, 16.3% and 11.3% respectively.

  In response to the above-mentioned "mismatch" phenomenon, the "Report" pointed out that the employment of college students is about to face a more severe "two-term superimposition" situation. It is necessary to "combine punches" with unconventional policies to hedge cyclical factors, alleviate structural factors, and reduce Friction factors.

  First, use large-scale human capital-intensive public jobs to hedge cyclical factors. At present, college students have become the largest group of first-time employment in my country. Compared with the traditional counter-cyclical employment policies for migrant workers such as expanding infrastructure construction, it should be combined with the goal of complementing the shortcomings of economic and social development, and provide "large-scale human capital-intensive public jobs" for fresh graduates this year and next. "For example, in communities, hospitals, universities, scientific research institutions and other grassroots institutions, set up public positions such as epidemiological investigators, community health assistants, scientific research assistants, and elderly health assessors, and continue to attract more social capital to enter smart medical, Community management, health care industry and other fields, thus forming a sustainable employment mechanism." Zhuo Xian said.

  Second, the new economy-oriented "post-college education system" alleviates structural factors. New industries, new business models, and new business models play an important supporting role in stabilizing the employment market in my country, and are the key focus for solving the employment difficulties of college students. Zhuo Xian suggested that colleges and universities can explore the new economy-oriented "post-college education system", and unite with leading companies in various fields to carry out targeted education in undergraduate education, second bachelor education, and follow-up education for unemployed graduates. Vocational skills training and employment and entrepreneurship guidance.

  Third, to improve the quality and penetration rate of "cloud recruitment" and reduce friction factors. The new autumn recruitment and spring recruitment for college graduates are coming soon. Whether the traditional large-scale on-site job fairs can be successfully held is still facing uncertain factors such as the epidemic. The high penetration and high-quality "cloud recruitment" platform has increasingly become an impact on the employment market for college students The key factor of operation.

  Li Qiang said that by leveraging the functions and advantages of the cloud platform, companies can carry out more activities such as "cloud dual elections", "cloud presentations", "air written examinations" and "air interviews", with the help of video, voice, text and even VR scene simulation In order to improve the penetration rate, matching degree and success rate of online recruitment by conducting multi-dimensional evaluations of college student job applicants.

  Gu Yang