China News Service, Xiangtan, August 16 (Wang Haohao, Wang Chengqi) Peng Lianmao, academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and dean of the Hunan Institute of Advanced Sensing and Information Technology Innovation, said in Xiangtan, Hunan on the 16th that China’s semiconductor materials, manufacturing processes and chip designs are backward In the current situation, carbon-based electronics has done a great deal, and it has important value and significance for the breakthrough of domestic chip technology.

  Peng Lianmao said that at present, the overall industrial chain of China's chip technology is facing a "stuck neck" situation. The key factor is that China has no core technology and independent research and development capabilities in the field of chip technology, and does not have a complete set of chips from materials, design to production and preparation. Any link in technology. Compared with traditional silicon-based technology, a new generation of carbon-based electronics and its information devices have better performance, and have revolutionary applications in all semiconductor applications including digital circuits, radio frequency/analog circuits, sensor devices, and optoelectronic devices. prospect.

  "Without chip technology, there would be no modernization in China. Realizing the'straight road' overtaking led by China in chip technology is the positioning and mission of carbon-based electronics." Peng Lianmao said that the ultimate mission of carbon-based electronics is to leverage existing advantages To maximize strengths and avoid weaknesses, starting from materials, we will make a comprehensive breakthrough in the existing mainstream semiconductor technology, and develop a completely independent and controllable chip technology by the Chinese, which will have an important impact in the mainstream chip field.

  From the 15th to the 17th, the "Carbon-based Materials and Information Device Symposium" organized by Hunan Advanced Sensing and Information Technology Innovation Research Institute was held in Xiangtan, Peking University, Tsinghua University, Zhejiang University, National University of Defense Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences Microelectronics More than 170 representatives from Chinese universities, scientific research institutions and enterprises such as research institutes, electrical engineering groups, etc. attended the meeting. Peng Lianmao gave a theme report entitled "The Position and Mission of Carbon-based Electronics" at the meeting. (Finish)