Credit Card Consumption Trends Go To Travel Stalls August 17 11:59

The index that looks at consumption trends in the second half of last month based on credit card usage information shows that although “Go To Travel” has begun to stimulate tourism demand, “Travel” and “Transport” do not behave I found that I was stepping on.

Data analysis company Nowcast and a major credit card company, JCB, have released an index that shows consumption trends while protecting privacy based on card usage information.

Comparing the index from the 16th to the 31st of last month with the latter half of January before the spread of infection, it was minus 12.5%.

In the first half of July, the rate of decline was 13.4%, so the rate of decline narrowed slightly, but the recovery in consumption is still stalling.

At this time, the government's tourism demand stimulus measure, “Go To Travel,” has begun to exclude Tokyo from the target.

Looking at "leisure consumption" related to this, "travel" was minus 57.3%, "transportation" was minus 39.4%, and "accommodation" was minus 34.2%.

The drop rate for “accommodation” has been declining since the first half of July, but for “travel” the rate has been almost flat, and the drop rate for “transportation” has been expanding.

The company that conducted the survey said, "Go To travel has begun and there is a recovery in accommodation, but there is a tendency that travel and traffic do not behave and there is a tendency to enjoy nearby without going out."