China News Service, Haikou, August 15 (He Yiyan) The first pet pig experience store in Haikou has opened for two weeks, and consumer demand is strong. Joining the pet industry has also become a new job choice for young people under the epidemic.

  This pet shop is located in a commercial building in the center of Haikou. It provides customers with the service of playing with the little pigs and taking pictures with gifts. At present, the daily visit flow is more than hundreds of people, and young people and parents of children are the main consumer groups. One of the consumers said that she has pets at home, but she who likes small animals can't help being attracted by the little fragrant pigs and come to play.

  Owner Fu Yu said that the current profit of the pet shop has exceeded expectations. It is the summer vacation and there are many children, how to improve store management has become a big problem.

The pet economic model is becoming more mature. Photo by He Yiyan

  The pet economic model of pet experience stores with cats and dogs as the theme is becoming more mature in mainland China. From the second half of last year to the first half of this year, pet pig experience stores began to appear in first- and second-tier cities across the country.

  30-year-old Fu Yu was originally engaged in gym sales, but he was greatly affected by the epidemic and decided to change business. I opened this pet shop in partnership with my friends in August this year. The store provides several consumer package services, divided into single and parent-child two, the price ranges from 68 yuan (RMB, the same below) to 108 yuan.

  According to the White Paper on China's Pet Industry in 2018, the scale of China's pet consumption market has reached 170.8 billion yuan. With the continuous development of society and the continuous improvement of per capita income, the pet industry is gradually standardized and industrialized. Unlike European and American countries, in such an increasingly hot market, young people in China have become the main consumer force. Compared with the traditional behavior of raising pets, young people nowadays are more and more inclined to spend money on pets in pet experience stores such as "cat cafes".

  The "China Pet Market Investment Analysis and Forecast Report for 2020-2024" published in June this year pointed out that in recent years, the pet rental market in Japan has become a bright spot, and the pet hotel market in Korea has been liberalized. The pet sharing model may become a new development model for the pet industry. The main pet sharing models in China are "Mao Ka" and "Limao Lu Dog Shop". In addition to pet companionship, some pet experience stores also provide services such as catering, book sales, pet medical care, and pet boarding. The business model is changing from single to diversified.

  At present, the "Pet Museum" in Haikou has begun to provide multiple service models for cats and dogs. Fu Yu suggested that young people should prepare funds before opening a pet experience store, understand pet medical and health knowledge, make long-term plans for raising pets, and consult the local industry and commerce department for industry requirements. He plans to improve the store layout so that it can provide catering services to consumers and increase store revenue. (Finish)