Yen exchange rate on 7th Modest price movement 18:24 on August 7

On the 7th, the Tokyo foreign exchange market and the yen exchange rate were small.

The yen exchange rate at 5 pm was 105 yen to 61 yen, which was 105 yen 59 yen, which was 3 yen stronger than the 6th.

Against the euro, the price was 6 yen higher than the 6th and the euro was weaker, from 1 euro = 125.15 yen to 5 yen.

The euro was 41 dollars per dollar = 1.1839 to 41 dollars.

A market official said, "In the United States, where the spread of the new coronavirus is continuing to spread, many investors want to determine the ruling and opposition parties' talks regarding additional economic measures, and the price movement was limited. I'm also interested in employment statistics."