
Today (6th), a civic group announced that many of the high-ranking government officials related to real estate policy were multi-homed by government departments. At the same time, multi-housing officials also urged them to take their hands off of making real estate-related policies. 

Reporter Hwagang Yoon reports.

<Reporter> The

Citizens' Alliance for Economic Justice Analysis analyzed the property of 107 senior government officials of the first level or higher of government departments and affiliated agencies related to real estate policy.

The average real estate property per capita was 1.2 billion won, four times the national average, among which multi-homeowners reached 36%.

The number of public officials who have a home in 4 districts in Gangnam, Seoul was 39, 36%.

The top 10 apartment and officetel prices increased by 52% for the current government and 780 million won per person.

[Kim Heon-dong/ Head of Real Estate Construction Reform Division, Gyeongsil-ryun: Will these people come up with the right measures? What is the cause? Bureaucrats are using this regime to increase their home prices.]

However, these figures are for the release of property in the Gazette last March, and do not reflect the retirees or the dispositions they have made.

In fact, the proportion of multi-homeowners is estimated to have decreased somewhat, as some officials, such as Deputy Prime Minister Hong Nam-ki and Finance Minister Eun Sung-soo, sold their homes.

The Democratic Party proposed an amendment to the Public Officials' Ethics Act that excludes multi-homed people or possesses high-value real estate properties.

[Chun Joon-ho/Republican Democratic Party: In order for real estate policy to be justified, stricter standards must be applied to lawmakers and high-ranking officials.] The

pressure on multi-housing officials from civil society movements to the National Assembly's legislative initiatives is the same There are also evaluations that show that the public's trust is undermined.

(Video coverage: Han Il-sang, Video editing: Lee Seung-yeol)