
Yesterday (4th), the government announced a housing supply plan, and some rumors of the ruling party's governing body made a noise. We decided to make a trial case for public reconstruction as soon as possible.

Reporter Hwagang Yoon reports.

<Reporter> The

ruling party first responded to the opposition from some local governments and local council members where the new residential area was planned.

[Yunhudeok /, with Democrats Property TF Team: it agreed to further communication and consultation with local residents who with and elected officials who local]

government and the ruling party is also a cacophony of Seoul and fought Place the public reconstruction of participation of LH and SH I emphasized again that there was no disagreement.

The government is in a position to consult with the Seoul Metropolitan Government in a hurry to find a pilot complex so that public reconstruction can settle early.

It is calculated that the market response will be different if there are visible success stories.

According to an analysis, it was considered that the reconstruction complexes in Gangbuk, Seoul, which have relatively low feasibility, had in mind as the speed of the project accelerated due to the floor area benefit.

On the other hand, reconstruction complexes such as Gangnam and Mokdong are still tumultuous.

[Jamsil Jugong Complex 5 Reconstruction Member: Build a house on our land and walk 50~70% (increase in area ratio)… (Government) No matter how much you promote, 50% or 70%, if you come to our complex, you will probably be baptized with eggs.]

The government launched a ministerial-level real estate inspection meeting presided over by the deputy prime minister, and put the first step on crackdown on speculative demand to comply with supply measures.

[Hong Nam-ki/Deputy Prime Minister: We will start planning and immediately investigate the major plans for supply measures, if there is concern overheating after regular monitoring.] In

particular, for high-end housing transactions of more than 900 million won, the source of funds is constantly investigated and the results are periodically monitored. I decided to announce it.

(Video coverage: Kim Hyun-sang·Haryung, Video editing: Seon-Tak Kim)

▶ As the movement of'charter   → monthly rent' increases, "I will lower the conversion rate of the monthly rent"