Yen exchange rate price drop July 30, 18:47

On the 30th, the Tokyo foreign exchange market and the yen exchange rate fell somewhat, and the dollar was traded at the low 105 yen level.

The yen exchange rate as of 5 pm was 105 yen, 6-8 yen, which was 25 yen weaker than the 29th, which was a stronger yen.

Against the euro, 1 yen = 123.52-56 yen, which was 27 yen weaker than the 29th.

The euro was 1.1 euro = 1.1757-59 dollars against the dollar.

Market officials said, “The US Federal Reserve has been buying back the dollar as the Fed's Federal Reserve continued to ease the economy and support the economy. Investors announced tonight We are paying close attention to how much GDP (Gross domestic product) for the three months to June in the United States will fall due to the new coronavirus."