Yen exchange rate small movement July 13 18:11

On the 13th, the Tokyo foreign exchange market and the yen exchange rate were small.

The yen exchange rate as of 5 pm was just JPY 106.98 to JPY 107, which was 14 yen weaker than the previous weekend, and the dollar was weaker.

Against the euro, it was 57 yen compared to last weekend, and the weak yen against the euro was 1 euro = 121.8-12 yen.

The euro was 1 euro = 1.1318 to 19 dollars against the dollar.

A market official said, “The stock price has risen in the Tokyo market, and there is a slight tendency to let go of the yen due to the risk-taking attitude. In the United States, corporate financial statements will begin in earnest, but to the extent how financial institutions will be affected by the new coronavirus. Investors are paying attention to what to expect."