China News Service, July 13th, according to the Ministry of Finance website, the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs and the Ministry of Finance released the policy of focusing on strengthening agriculture and benefiting agriculture in 2020, continue to increase investment in supporting agriculture, strengthen project coordination and integration, and accelerate the modernization of agriculture and rural areas. The policy of supporting agriculture includes that the central government grants subsidies for compulsory immunization, compulsory culling and harmless treatment of animal diseases.

Data map: Live pig farm. China News Agency reporter Lin Hao

  The policy includes the six major aspects of agricultural production development and circulation, agricultural green production and agricultural resource protection and utilization, farmland construction, cultivation of new business entities, agricultural disaster prevention and reduction, and rural construction, with a total of 36 initiatives, as follows:

Agricultural production development and circulation

  Cultivated land fertility protection subsidies. In principle, the subsidies are farmers who have the right to contract cultivated land. The subsidy funds are directly cashed to the households through "one card (folding) pass" and other forms, and it is strictly forbidden to use them in a centralized way in any way. The provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government) continue to determine the subsidy targets and subsidies in accordance with the requirements of the “Notice of the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Agriculture on the Comprehensive Promotion of Agricultural “Three Subsidies” Reform” (Cai Nong [2016] No. 26) Method and subsidy standard. Encourage all localities to gradually link the subsidy distribution to the area of ​​land rights. Encourage all localities to innovate in ways and methods, take the green ecology as the guide, and explore a mechanism linking the payment of subsidies to the implementation of arable land protection responsibilities, and guide farmers to consciously improve their arable land capacity.

  Agricultural machinery purchase subsidies. Provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government) select and determine the types of subsidized machinery in the province within the scope of the central government’s subsidy for agricultural machinery purchases, giving priority to ensuring the need for subsidies for the production of major agricultural products such as grains and supporting agricultural green development, and increasing the utilization of livestock and poultry manure. Use machine items. All equipment and equipment that support the production of live pigs and other livestock products will be included in the subsidies of the provinces. The orchard rail transport aircraft and other machinery needed to assist the industrial development of poor areas such as hills and mountains are included in the scope of national subsidies, and the provinces will select items to subsidize. The amount of subsidies is calculated based on the average market sales price of the same grade of products in the previous year, and in principle the ratio is not more than 30%. Implement the renewal subsidy policy for scrapping agricultural machinery, and give appropriate subsidies to scrapped old agricultural machinery.

  Advantageous and characteristic industrial clusters. Adhere to the principles of market leadership and government support, and support the selection of leading industries with good foundation, large scale, distinctive features, and significant comparative advantages within the province in accordance with the ideas of full industrial chain development and full value chain improvement, and create a batch of reasonable structures and complete chains. Advantage industrial clusters. Focus on solving the bottleneck constraints and key links in industrial development, promote the industrial form from "small specialty" to "big industry", transform the spatial layout from "planar distribution" to "cluster development", and the main relationship from "homogeneous competition" Changed to "win-win cooperation". The first batch of support for the construction of 50 industrial clusters will be launched in 2020. In principle, continuous support will be provided. The central government will provide appropriate subsidies to the approved industrial clusters, and support the provinces to focus on base construction, machine harvesting, storage and fresh storage, primary processing, deep processing, The construction of the entire industry chain such as modern circulation and brand cultivation encourages innovative ways of using funds, and supports relevant entities by adopting the methods of first building and then subsidizing, subsidizing by awards, discounting loans, and purchasing services by the government.

  National Modern Agricultural Industrial Park. Based on advantageous characteristic industries, highlighting the two major tasks of industry integration of one, two, and three industries and the innovation of the mechanism of increasing the income of the combined agriculture, continue to create 31 national modern agricultural industrial parks in 2020, select a number of national modern agricultural industrial parks, and focus on improving the infrastructure conditions of industrial parks To enhance public service capabilities. The provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government) are responsible for the creation work. The central government will allocate part of the subsidy funds that meet the conditions for creation.

  A strong town in the agricultural industry. Continue to use townships as platform carriers, focus on leading industries, develop and strengthen rural industries, accelerate the cultivation of a number of industrial production and operation market players, innovate farmers' benefit-sharing and sharing mechanisms, and focus on supporting key areas such as warehousing and preservation, processing and marketing in the development of the entire industry chain. Weak links will promote the transformation and upgrading of leading industries, from big to strong, and build a number of strong agricultural industrial towns with prominent leading industries, integrated development of production and villages, and livable industries. The central government will provide support by arranging awards and supplementary funds to guide enterprises and farmers to establish close interest linkage mechanisms such as order purchases, guaranteed dividends, and secondary rebates to promote farmers to share the value-added benefits of the entire industry chain. In 2020, a total of 259 towns (townships) will be supported to develop strong towns in the agricultural industry.

  Agricultural product geographical indication protection project. Support the construction of regional characteristic variety breeding bases and core production bases, and improve production and supporting storage and preservation facilities and equipment conditions. Improve the production technology standard system, strengthen the characteristic quality and maintain the technical integration, and promote the standardized production of the entire industry chain. Excavate traditional farming culture, tell historical stories of landmarks, strengthen product promotion, and call for distinctive brands. Support the use of information technology, implement product traceability management, and promote the identification, identification and digitization of geographical indication agricultural products.

  Advance information into villages and households. Support the development of the whole agricultural information society to promote the province. Strictly follow the "Ministry of Agriculture's Implementation Opinions on Comprehensively Promoting Information Entry into Villages and Household Projects" (Nongshifa [2016] No. 7) requirements to organize the implementation, build the Yinong Information Society according to the "Six You" standards, improve convenience services, e-commerce 1. Train and experience service levels, promote "Internet+" agricultural products to go out of villages and into cities, and turn Yinong Information Society into a one-stop window for agricultural services.

  Revitalization of dairy industry and transformation and upgrading of animal husbandry. Support the construction of high-quality alfalfa production bases, reduce the cost of dairy farming and feeding, and improve the quality of raw milk. Focusing on the farming-pastoral interlaced zone in the north, supporting cattle and sheep farms (households) and specialized forage service organizations to collect and store high-quality forage grasses such as silage corn, alfalfa, oat grass, etc. And the development of modern forage industry. In 8 major grassland pastoral provinces including Inner Mongolia and Sichuan, subsidies are given to beef cattle farms (communities and households) that use artificial sperm to carry out artificial insemination in the project area, as well as farmers who can breed ewes and yaks to breed cows. Encourage and support the promotion and application of excellent breeding pigs and semen to accelerate the improvement of pig breeds. In 10 bee-owner producing provinces such as Heilongjiang and Jiangsu, bee industry quality improvement actions were implemented to support the construction of high-quality and high-quality bee industry development demonstration areas.

  Green, high-quality and efficient actions for key crops. Build a batch of green, high-quality and efficient production demonstration films, integrate and assemble green, high-quality and efficient new technologies in the whole process of cultivation, harvesting, demonstration and promotion of high-quality and high-yield, multi-resistance and stress-resistant new varieties, and focus on creating excellent taste rice, high-quality special wheat, high oil and high Production bases of protein soybeans, double low double high rapeseed, high quality cotton, high yield high sugar cane, high quality fruit and vegetable tea, authentic Chinese herbal medicines, drive large-area regional balanced development, promote stable and high yields in the planting industry, save costs and increase efficiency Quality enhancement. The main provinces of early rice production in the south should focus on supporting early rice production and promoting the recovery of double-season rice.

  Popularize dry farming and water-saving agricultural technologies. With the goal of consolidating and improving the comprehensive agricultural production capacity and resource utilization efficiency of dry areas, the implementation of the region is inclined to the Yellow River Basin, demonstrating efficient water-saving technologies such as integration of water and fertilizer, rainwater supplementary irrigation, ridge (membrane) furrow irrigation, and moisture measurement and irrigation. Water and fertilizer utilization efficiency; demonstration of modern dry farming rainfed technologies such as water storage and moisture retention, drought resistance and stress resistance, to improve the efficiency of natural precipitation utilization; based on the water resources conditions of arid and semi-arid regions, carrying out experiments on new technologies, new products and new materials for dry farming and water-saving agriculture Demonstration, innovation and integration of dry farming and water-saving agricultural technology models to promote green and high-quality agricultural development in arid areas.

  Action of replacing organic fertilizer with organic fertilizer. With the goal of reducing the input of chemical fertilizers and increasing the input of organic fertilizers, we will support key counties to implement the replacement of chemical fertilizers with organic fertilizers for fruits, vegetables and teas, and implement the regional emphasis towards the Yangtze River Economic Belt and the Yellow River Basin, and expand the pilot crops to other horticultural crops and field crops with high potential for fertilizer saving . Integrate and promote technical models such as compost return, commercial organic fertilizer application, biogas residue and biogas slurry return, complete supporting facilities and equipment, and promote fruit, vegetable and tea quality improvement and resource recycling. Work advancement should be combined with the utilization of livestock and poultry manure resources, and government purchase services, technical subsidies, physical and chemical subsidies, etc. should be adopted to support farmers and new types of agricultural operators to apply organic fertilizers, cultivate a number of productive service organizations, and accelerate organic Fertilizer application, promote the combination of cultivation and breeding.

Data Map: The harvest season, the arable land is beautiful. Photo by Deng Heping

  Socialized services for agricultural production. Focusing on important agricultural products such as grain, cotton, oil and sugar, and leading industries with local characteristics, we will focus on the continuous development of socialized services. The service method will further focus on agricultural production trusteeship. The much-needed production link. Adopt the service first and subsidize method, support professional service companies, supply and marketing cooperatives, rural collective economic organizations, service farmers cooperatives and family farms and other service entities, and give priority to supporting service entities that install mechanical operation monitoring sensors to improve agricultural production socialization services Marketization, specialization, scale, and informatization. Jiangxi, Hunan, Guangdong, Guangxi and other major early rice producing provinces should focus on promoting early rice production trust and other social services.

  Agricultural machinery is loosening the land. Support suitable areas to carry out deep loosening of agricultural machinery land preparation operations, the country's operating area reached more than 140 million acres, the operating depth is generally required to reach or exceed 25 cm, breaking the bottom of the plow.

  Rewards for major grain-producing counties. Rewards will be given to the implementation of the regular grain-producing counties, super grain-producing counties, oil-producing counties, commodity grain-producing provinces, seed-producing counties, and provinces that have implemented the “high-quality grain project” that meet the regulations. The incentive funds for conventional grain-producing counties are used as financial subsidies and arranged by the county-level people's government; other incentive funds are used to support the development of the grain and oil industry in accordance with relevant regulations.

  Live pigs (cattle and sheep) call out big county rewards. Including pigs transferred out of large county awards, cattle and sheep transferred out of large county awards and provincial-level co-ordination award funds. The county-level people's government will coordinate the allocation of live pigs to the county's incentive funds and the cattle and sheep's incentive funds to support the production and circulation of pigs (cattle and sheep) and industrial development in the county. The provincial-level overall incentive funds will be coordinated by the provincial-level people's government Arrangements are used to support the production and circulation of pigs (cattle and sheep) and industrial development in the province (autonomous regions and municipalities).

  Corn and soybean producer subsidies and rice subsidies. In order to consolidate the effectiveness of structural reforms on the agricultural supply side, the state continued to implement corn and soybean producer subsidy policies in the three northeastern provinces and the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region on the basis of corn and soybean prices formed by the market. The central government’s subsidies for corn in relevant provinces (regions) should not exceed the base area planted in 2014, and soybean subsidies should not exceed the base area planted in 2019, and will remain unchanged from 2020 to 2022. To support deepening the reform of the rice storage and storage system and price formation mechanism, the state continues to implement rice subsidy policies in the provinces that produce rice. The upper limit of the central government's subsidy for rice is 85% of the average annual rice output in the base period (2016-2018).

Agricultural green production and protection and utilization of agricultural resources

  Grassland ecological protection subsidies and rewards. 8 provinces (autonomous regions) such as Inner Mongolia, Sichuan, Yunnan, Tibet, Gansu, Ningxia, Qinghai, Xinjiang and Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps and the Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps implemented grazing ban subsidies and grass and livestock balance awards; in Hebei, Shanxi, Liaoning, Jilin, Heilongjiang and Heilongjiang The Provincial Agricultural Reclamation Administration implements a "package" policy.

  Compensation for prohibition of catching in key waters of the Yangtze River Basin. The central government adopts a combination of one-off subsidies and transitional subsidies to support the ban on catching in key waters of the Yangtze River Basin, and promotes the restoration of aquatic biological resources and the restoration of water ecological environment. Among them, the one-time subsidy is used by local governments to integrate the actual situation to recover the fishing rights of the fishermen and scrap the special production equipment, and directly pay out to the eligible fishermen who retreat. The subsidies during the transition period will be coordinated by various localities for the activities related to the prohibition of arrest, propaganda and mobilization, early withdrawal of rewards, strengthening of law enforcement management, and emergency handling of emergencies.

  Renewal subsidies for fishery development and ship scrapping and dismantling. In accordance with the requirements of balanced and coordinated development of marine fishing intensity and resource regeneration capacity, support fishermen to reduce vessel conversion and artificial reef construction, and promote the restoration of fishery ecological environment. Adapting to the new situation of modernization and specialization of fishery development, under the premise of strict control of the "dual control" indicators of the number of fishing vessels and power of marine fishing, and without increasing the fishing intensity, there are plans to upgrade and standardize with good selectivity, high efficiency, energy saving, safety and environmental protection Fishing boat. At the same time, support public infrastructure such as the promotion of deep-water cages and fishing port navigation marks to improve the basic conditions for fishery development.

Data map: Villagers weave fishing nets on fishing boats. China News Agency reporter Wang Dongming

  Fishery proliferation and release. Carry out fishery proliferation and release in key waters such as river basins, large rivers, boundary rivers, and severely degraded waters, promote restoration or increase the number of fishery populations, improve and optimize the structure of fishery populations in waters, and achieve sustainable fishery development.

  Pilot for comprehensive utilization of crop straw. Promote the whole county throughout the country, adhere to agricultural priority and diversified utilization, cultivate a batch of industrialized utilization subjects, and create a batch of model counties for full utilization. Stimulate the vitality of the market main body in all aspects of straw returning, leaving the field, processing and utilization, and explore the technical routes, models and mechanisms of comprehensive and sustainable straw comprehensive utilization.

  Resource treatment of livestock and poultry manure. Support large animal husbandry counties to carry out the utilization of livestock and poultry manure resources, and explore the promotion of manure resource utilization in non-livestock farming counties. In accordance with the principles of government support, business entities, and market-oriented operations, the main utilization method is to use nearby local energy and agricultural organic fertilizer, and newly (expand) the construction of livestock and poultry manure collection and utilization treatment facilities, as well as regional manure. The centralized sewage treatment center and the large-scale biogas project have realized the large-scale breeding farms all realize the treatment and resource utilization of manure, and form the industrial pattern of the combination of agriculture and animal husbandry and the development of breeding and breeding cycles.

  Plastic film recycling. Support 100 counties and counties in Inner Mongolia, Gansu, and Xinjiang to promote the recycling of waste plastic film, and encourage other regions to independently explore. Support the establishment and improvement of a waste plastic film recycling and processing system, establish a multi-method recycling mechanism for the delivery of business entities, professional organization of recycling, processing company recycling, and trade-in for new ones, and explore the "who produces, who recycles" mulching film producer responsibility extension system .

  Piloting the system of cropland rotation and fallow. In 2020, the central government will continue to support the rotation fallow trial. Among them, the rotation cropping pilots are mainly implemented in the soybean, peanut, and rapeseed producing areas in the northeast cold area, the northern farming-pastoral area, the Huanghuaihai area, the double cropping rice area in southern China, and the Yangtze River basin; Implementation in severely degraded areas.

Farmland construction

  High standard farmland construction. In 2020, in accordance with the five unified requirements of “unified planning and layout, unified construction standards, unified organization and implementation, unified acceptance and assessment, and unified storage on the map”, build 80 million mu of high-standard farmland across the country, and The important agricultural production protection zone is inclined. In terms of construction content, in accordance with the "General Standards for High-Level Farmland Construction", with emphasis on land leveling, soil improvement, farmland water conservancy, machine-cultivated roads, farmland transmission and distribution equipment, etc., strengthen the construction of agricultural infrastructure, improve the comprehensive agricultural production capacity, and implement The strategy of "storing grain in the ground and storing grain in technology".

  Conservation and utilization of black land in Northeast China and conservation tillage. Continue to implement the Northeast Black Land Protection and Utilization Project in Liaoning, Jilin, Heilongjiang and Inner Mongolia four provinces (regions), establish a centralized contiguous demonstration area, and focus on displaying a batch of black land protection and utilization models and protective farming demonstrations; support the development of black soil loss control, Increase technical and engineering measures such as soil organic matter content, water and fertilizer conservation, black soil cultivation, monitoring and evaluation of cultivated land quality, and protective tillage. In 2020, the Northeast Black Land Conservation Tillage Action Plan will be launched to support the promotion and application of key technologies such as straw mulch free (less) tillage and sowing in suitable areas to effectively reduce wind erosion and water erosion, increase soil organic matter, enhance moisture and drought resistance, improve agricultural ecological benefits and economics For efficiency, the central government supports an implementation area of ​​40 million mu. Encourage new-type agricultural business entities and social service organizations to undertake implementation tasks.

  Cultivated land quality protection and improvement. Select a number of key counties with great potential for fertilizer saving to carry out demonstrations of chemical fertilizer reduction and efficiency enhancement, guide enterprises and social service organizations to carry out scientific fertilization technical services, and support farmers and new agricultural business entities to apply new technologies and products for chemical fertilizer reduction and efficiency enhancement. Solve the outstanding problems of restricting the excessive use of chemical fertilizers and low utilization rates. Select counties to carry out pilot projects of recycling and disposal of fertilizer packaging waste. Continue to support the work of survey evaluation and monitoring of cultivated land quality grading, soil borrowing test, field fertilizer efficiency test, formulation and release of fertilizer formula, development and application of soil testing and formula fertilization data achievements, etc. Carry out the management of degraded cultivated land. In the soil acidification area, integrated demonstration application of calcareous materials and acid soil conditioners, planting green manure to return to the field, water and fertilizer regulation, and bioremediation; in the soil salinization area, combined with irrigation and drainage engineering measures, integrated demonstration application of alkaline soil conditioning agents , Tillage, salt pressing, additional application of organic fertilizer and other management models to improve the quality of cultivated soil.

Cultivation of new business entities

  Cultivation of high-quality farmers. Focus on the implementation of new agricultural management service operators, industrial poverty alleviation leaders, rural practical talent leaders, innovative entrepreneurs who return to their hometowns, and professional cultivation and cultivation experts to speed up the cultivation of culture, technology, good management, and Management of high-quality farmers. Strengthen the industry's targeted poverty alleviation training and carry out in-depth training activities for industry leaders in poverty alleviation such as "three districts and three states".

  High-quality development of new agricultural management entities. One is to support the construction of new-type agricultural business entities in the storage and preservation of agricultural products. Focus on the issue of the "first mile" of fresh agricultural products, and support new-type agricultural operators to build storage and preservation facilities for agricultural products. Adopt the method of "build first, supplement later, and replace by award", focusing on 16 provinces such as Hebei and Shanxi, focusing on key counties (cities), and go to the "three districts and three states" deep poverty areas and unremoved poverty counties, The key areas for the prevention and control of the new crown epidemic, the main production areas of fresh agricultural products, and the advantages of special agricultural products are inclined; focus on supporting the construction of energy-saving ventilated storage facilities, energy-saving mechanical cold storage, and energy-saving air-conditioned storage; the target of support is limited to demonstration families above the county level Demonstration of farms and farmer cooperatives (including cooperatives). Poor areas can appropriately relax conditions and support the joint construction of multiple family farms (farmer cooperatives) to avoid idle and wasted facilities; subsidies adopt "double limit", and the upper limit of subsidy ratio does not exceed storage 30% of the cost of fresh-keeping facilities (reduced to 50% in Hubei Province and poverty-stricken areas), where conditions permit, local financial funds can be appropriately superimposed on subsidies, and a fixed amount of subsidies and upper limits are imposed. The upper limit of a single main body subsidy is 1 million yuan, a specific fixed amount Subsidy standards are set by local governments. The second is to support new-type agricultural business entities to enhance their technology application and production and operation capabilities. Support the demonstration cooperatives (cooperatives) of farmer cooperatives above the county level and the demonstration family farms to improve production conditions, apply advanced technologies, upgrade large-scale, green, standardized, and intensive production capacity, and construct primary processing facilities for production, packaging, and drying To improve product quality and market competitiveness. Encourage all regions to provide financial management, technical guidance and other services for farmers' cooperatives and family farms. Encourage qualified localities to rely on leading enterprises, drive farmers' cooperatives and family farms, and form agricultural industrialization complexes. Loan discount support will be provided to breeding pig farms (including local pig breeding farms) with breeding livestock and poultry production and operation licenses and large-scale farms with more than 500 pigs sold annually. Priority is given to supporting the development of dairy cattle family farms and dairy farmer cooperatives.

  Agricultural credit guarantee service. Focus on serving family farms, farmer cooperatives, agricultural socialization service organizations, small and micro agricultural enterprises, and other moderately large-scale agricultural business entities. The scope of services is limited to agricultural production (including agriculture, forestry, animal husbandry and fishery production and farmland construction, the same below) and industrial integration projects directly related to agricultural production (refer to the county, providing agricultural producers with agricultural materials, agricultural technology, agricultural machinery, and agricultural product acquisition , Warehousing, fresh-keeping, sales, primary processing, and new agricultural formats and other services), highlighting the support for the production of important agricultural products such as grain and live pigs. The central government implements guarantee cost subsidies and business rewards for policy-based agricultural burden business, supports provincial agricultural burden companies to reduce guarantee costs and respond to compensation risks, and ensures that the actual guarantee burden rate of policy-based agricultural burden business entities does not exceed 0.8% (Policy poverty alleviation projects do not exceed 0.5%).

  Reform and construction of the grassroots agricultural technology extension system. Through government procurement of services and other means, we support market-oriented service forces to develop agricultural technology services, improve the public welfare and operational agricultural technology service integration development mechanism, and build a multi-complementary, efficient and coordinated agricultural technology promotion system. Use information technology to vigorously promote online guidance services and performance appraisal, and improve the coverage and utilization rate of China's agricultural technology promotion information platform. Build science and technology demonstration bases, cultivate science and technology demonstration subjects, popularize and apply green promotion and cost-saving and efficiency-increasing main promotion technologies, and create science and technology demonstration models such as smart farms and ecological recycling farms. In 8 provinces such as Inner Mongolia and Jilin, major technology synergy promotion pilots were launched. Implement a special appointment plan for agricultural technology extension services in poor areas and big pig counties.

Agricultural disaster prevention and mitigation

  Agricultural production disaster relief. The central government grants appropriate subsidies for the prevention and control of major agricultural natural disasters and biological disasters, emergency relief, and post-disaster production recovery in various regions. The scope of support includes subsidies for materials and materials required for the prevention of major natural disasters and biological disasters in agriculture, subsidies for materials and materials required for the restoration of agricultural production measures, grass storage sheds (stocks) for livestock protection against disasters in pastoral areas, animal shelters and emergency response Subsidies for transportation of forage.

  Animal epidemic prevention and control. The central government grants subsidies for compulsory immunization, compulsory culling and harmless treatment of animal diseases. Compulsory immunization subsidies are mainly used to carry out procurement, storage, injection (feeding) of immunized vaccines (anthelmintic drugs) for animals such as foot-and-mouth disease, highly pathogenic avian influenza, small ruminant disease, brucellosis, hydatidosis, and monitoring of immune effects Evaluation, personnel protection and other related prevention and control work, as well as subsidies for the implementation and purchase of animal epidemic prevention services. In the process of prevention, control and extermination of animal epidemics, the state compensates the owners of animals forcibly exterminated, and subsidies are shared by the central and local governments. The state supports the harmless treatment of sick and dead pigs in the breeding sector. All localities will improve the harmless treatment subsidy policy in accordance with the relevant requirements and local conditions, and do a good job in the harmless treatment of the breeding sector.

  Agricultural insurance premium subsidies. On the basis of the local government's independent development and voluntary commitment to a certain percentage of subsidies, the central government's budget for rice, wheat, corn, cotton, potatoes, oil crops, sugar crops, fertile sows, cows, fattening pigs, forests, barley, yak, Tibetan sheep and natural rubber, as well as rice, wheat, and corn seed insurance provide premium subsidy support. Continue to carry out pilot trials for agricultural catastrophe insurance for moderately-scaled farmers in 13 major grain-producing provinces, and the level of protection covers "direct materialized costs + land rent"; continue to 6 provinces (autonomous regions) in Inner Mongolia, Liaoning, Anhui, Shandong, Henan, and Hubei ), carry out the three major food crop full-cost insurance and income insurance pilots for large-scale farmers and small-scale farmers, and the guarantee level covers the total cost of agricultural production or the value of agricultural production; the central government will carry out supplementary pilots for local advantages and special agricultural insurance awards in 20 provinces. .

Rural construction

  Incentives for the improvement of rural settlements in advanced counties. Implement the spirit of the "Three-Year Action Plan for the Improvement of Rural Human Settlement Environment" and the "Notice of the General Office of the State Council on Further Strengthening the Incentive Support for the Places with Significant Effectiveness in Implementing Effectiveness" (Guobanfa [2018] No. 117), in accordance with the The Measures for the Implementation of Incentive Measures for the Improvement of Human Settlements" evaluates the provinces to carry out rural human settlement improvement work, and determines the list of 20 rural human settlement improvement incentive counties (cities, districts, and flags). In 2020, the central government will provide incentives and support to counties that have achieved significant results in the improvement of the rural human settlement environment, mainly for the promotion of the rural toilet revolution, the improvement of the village appearance and the improvement of the appearance of the village.

  The rural toilet revolution is advancing throughout the village. The central government arranges special awards and supplementary funds to support and guide local governments to take administrative villages as the unit, overall planning and design, and overall organization and mobilization, simultaneously implement household toilet renovation, public facilities supporting construction, and establish and improve the later-stage management and protection mechanism. The penetration rate of sanitary toilets has reached about 85%. The award fund mainly supports the construction of facilities and equipment in the collection, storage, transportation, resource utilization and later improvement of management and protection of manure. The standards and methods of awards and supplements shall be determined by the localities in light of actual conditions.