Credit card consumption index The decline in the first half of June may have narrowed... July 1 11:00

Although the index showing consumption trends in the first half of June calculated based on credit card usage information has narrowed down, travel and lodging are still much lower than before infection spread.

This is an index showing the trend of consumption by data analysis company Nowcast and credit card giant JCB while protecting privacy based on card usage information.

As a result, the index from June 1 to 15 was down 17.9% compared to the latter half of January before the spread of infection.

In the second half of May, the drop was 20.1%, so the reduction rate narrowed.

If you look at the breakdown,
"travel" is minus 75.3%,
"accommodation" is minus 61.1%,
"entertainment" is minus 48.8%, such as a movie,
and minus 41.3% "eating out" is
still the so-called leisure consumption is significantly depressed is.

However, compared to the second half of May, the extent of the reduction has decreased.

On the other hand, the so-called “Nest Gomori Consumption” continues to grow
, with 23.1% of online shopping
and 22.5% of “content distribution” such as videos.

A data analysis company that conducted the survey said, "Even if the number of outings increased due to the cancellation of the emergency declaration, online shopping and content distribution are still strong, and it can be seen that consumption through the Internet is becoming established in our lives." I am.