Consumption Trends Seen from Card Usage Travel and Dining Out Still Slumping June 15 11:00

The index showing consumption trends in the second half of last month, which was calculated based on credit card usage information, is showing signs of recovery following the cancellation of the emergency declaration, but travel and eating out etc. continue to decline sharply. .

This is an index showing the trend of consumption by data analysis company Nowcast and credit card giant JCB while protecting privacy based on card usage information.

As a result, the index from the 16th to the 31st of last month fell by 21.7% compared to the latter half of January before the spread of infection. The drop was 30.7% in the first half of last month, so the rate of decline has narrowed.

Looking at the breakdown, the so-called “leisure consumption” is as follows:
“Travel” is minus 90.8%,
“Accommodation” is minus 83.0%,
“Entertainment” such as movies is minus 51.5%, and
“Dining out” is minus 47.7%. So, it is still declining significantly, but the rate of decline has narrowed in each case.

On the other hand, the so-called “Nest Gomori Consumption”
increased by 38.1% for “Liquor store”
, 30.1% for “Content distribution” such as videos, and
27.1% for ▽ “Internet shopping”.

According to a company that conducted the survey, "After April, the index continued to decline by about 30% compared to before the infection spread, but with the cancellation of the emergency declaration, recovery mainly in eating out and entertainment is seen. However, the situation remains severe as a standard."