Get moving every two hours to avoid back pain from telecommuting. - IStock / City Presse

Despite the deconfinement, many employees continue teleworking. But at home, it is not easy to keep a good posture when our desk and our chair are unsuitable. Result: the back suffers. However, there are simple tips to put in place to relieve it.

Correct your posture

Just like in the office, learn to behave properly, even if you don't have a suitable chair. First, try as much as possible to keep your back straight and your feet flat. If you are forced to work on your sofa or from your bed, place a cushion on your lower back to support it.

Move regularly

To prevent back pain, it is important to change your position regularly. Take a break every two hours and get up for a few minutes. Same thing when you have to call: take the opportunity to stretch your legs in your living room.


Stretching helps maintain the mobility of the body. It is therefore advisable to stretch every two hours. Here is an effective exercise to relieve your vertebrae: get on all fours on a floor mat. Then lower your buttocks on your heels while pushing your arms forward, then return to the initial position and repeat several times.

To soothe your lower back pain, you can also lie on your back, knees raised and bent against each other and arms crossed. Slowly tilt your knees to the right and your head to the left. Hold this position for 10 seconds, then change sides and repeat the exercise.


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  • Coronavirus
  • Back
  • Job
  • Deconfinement
  • Well-being