[Theoretical face-to-face] Cui Zhiyuan: From "Manage Assets" to "Manage Capital" State-owned enterprise governance plays a leading role in economic promotion

Guangming.com (Reporter Zhang Muchen and Tao Yuan) "Since the founding of New China, state-owned enterprises have played a leading role in the overall pattern of China's economic reform and opening up. In the resolution of comprehensively deepening reform at the Third Plenary Session of the Eighteenth Central Committee, state governance was first proposed The concept of modernization of the system and governance capabilities. The decision of the Fourth Plenary Session of the 19th Central Committee clearly included the modernization of the national governance system and governance capabilities in the title. In fact, this is a further step towards the resolution to comprehensively deepen the reform of the Third Plenary Session of the Eighteenth Central Committee. Deepening." Cui Zhiyuan, a guest of the "Theoretical Face-to-face" program in this issue-Tsinghua University School of Public Management and National Institute of National Conditions, tells us in detail about "from "asset management" to "capital", state-owned enterprise governance plays a leading role in economic promotion" story.

  "In different periods of the same governance system, governance capabilities are also different." Cui Zhiyuan mentioned that without the improvement and improvement of governance capabilities, the basic system or governance system that is advantageous in the long run may not be fully effective. my country is a basic economic system with public ownership as the main body and coexistence of multiple economic forms. It can also be understood as a governance system, which has helped us to play our advantages for a long time. The Third Plenary Session of the Eighteenth Central Committee put forward three closely related propositions and requirements in the reform of state-owned enterprises: one is the shift from asset-based management to capital-based management; the second is to allow employees of mixed ownership enterprises to hold shares to form workers and The community of interests of capital owners; the third is to require us to realize 30% of the operating income of state-owned capital is handed over to the state finance.

  Cui Zhiyuan introduced that in the reform of state-owned enterprises, we have seen a shift from "asset management" to "capital management". "Management of assets" refers more to working on the management of a specific enterprise, but "management of capital" refers to the overall adjustment and optimization of the layout of state-owned assets. These two approaches are quite different. In the case of deepening system reforms and optimizing the layout of state-owned assets, such as in the steel and aluminum industries where production capacity is already relatively surplus, state-owned capital is relatively withdrawn from one or two specific enterprises and invested in high-tech enterprises. It is still expanding, this is a specific approach of "managing capital". In the layout of the entire national economy, state-owned capital exerts its driving force and influence, so that it reflects the national attributes of state-owned capital.

  Since May 20, Guangming.com has launched a series of short interview videos of "Theoretical Face to Face" 20 episodes, inviting experts and scholars to describe and review the new China since the founding of New China, especially the 19th Since the beginning of the year, the historical achievements made by the party and the country in various fields have focused on key areas such as economic development, technological innovation, poverty alleviation, improvement of people's livelihood, and ecological civilization construction, so that the party's innovation theory can "fly into ordinary people's homes."