Yen exchange rate price drop June 2 18:00

The Tokyo foreign exchange market on the 2nd, the yen exchange rate has dropped somewhat.

As of 5 pm, the yen exchange rate was 26 yen compared to the 1st, and the weak yen was 1 dollar = 107.78 yen to 79 yen.
For the euro, it was 6 yen compared to 1 day, and the weak yen was 1 euro = 119.93 yen to 97 yen.
The euro was 1 euro = 1.1127-29 dollars against the dollar.

A market official said, "In response to the resumption of economic activity in each country, there were some movements to buy the dollar of the major currency in anticipation of economic recovery. However, protest against the death of a black man in the United States The demographics were intense and investors were wary of the spread of the infection, and it was not a one-way move."