Visit to the "Luminous Cup" manufacturers in Jiuquan, Gansu: The handicraft inheritance Dunhuang elements boost

  China News Network Lanzhou, June 2 (Zhang Jing Feng Zhijun Gao Ying) "Due to the difficulty of mining raw materials, the annual output of the Jiuquan luminous cup with a history of thousands of years has been from the original 60,000 to 80,000. 10,000 to 20,000." Quan Yuting, director of the office of the Jiuquan Yeguang Cup Factory in Gansu, told reporters that in the face of a sudden drop in production, Dunhuang culture in the same city of Jiuquan became a helping hand for its "new life."

The picture shows the polishing process of the luminous cup. Gao Yingshe

  As early as more than a thousand years ago, it was precisely because of the verse of "The Grape Wine Luminous Cup, Want to Drink Pipa and Immediately Urge" in the Tang Dynasty Poet Wang Han's "Liangzhou Ci". Technology has also continued. Quan Yuting said that in recent years, the intensified Dunhuang culture has been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. Taking this as an opportunity, they combined Dunhuang frescoes with prototypes of utensils on the table and added cultural elements with regional characteristics to produce a batch of representative cultural creations. product.

  A reporter from recently visited the exhibition hall of the Jiuquan Luminous Cup Factory and saw that the luminous cups with Dunhuang flying elements are displayed in the finished showcases, which are not only beautifully decorated, but also very artistic. "From selecting materials and sizing, cutting and cutting, grinding and polishing, to making a finished luminous cup, at least more than 30 processes are required." Quan Yuting said that on the basis of inheriting traditional handicrafts, the proportion of its structure is appropriate Adjustment, we must also devote ourselves to quality polishing, in order to enhance the value of the luminous cup development direction.

  Lu Shuqing, an apprentice who has been making luminous cups for 20 years, lies in front of the workbench and stares with breath. She held the mouth of the cup in her right hand and rotated the bottom of the cup in her left. The wall of the cup became thinner and more translucent as it was polished with the machine. She said: "Master the strength, and then rely on the feel, and strive to make it a top quality."

  The luminous glass is unique in shape, smooth in texture, and extremely thin in the wall. The wine is poured into it, and the color is crystal clear. Regarding the origin of the "Luminous Cup", Quan Yuting explained that this kind of jade itself does not emit light. The so-called "luminous light" refers to the ancient literati singing wine to wine. The wall is so shiny that it gets its name.

The picture shows the Dunhuang Feitian Palace Fan made by Jiuquan Yeguang Cup Factory. Photo by Feng Zhijun

  Quan Yuting said that there are not many people who have misunderstood because of the name "Luminous", and some of them are some processing material merchants. Especially when they see the difficulty of mining raw materials, these rely on synthetic materials with luminous effects. Businessmen came to the door, no matter who it was, the cooperation was rejected one by one.

  "The raw materials of the Jiuquan luminous cup are unique, and other materials are generally irreplaceable." Quan Yuting, who had been an apprentice for only 3 years and was able to teach, is very strict with the craftsmanship. The raw material requirements are strict, and hand-made is the key. Mechanized production and processing cannot completely replace hand-made. High-quality luminous cups not only pay attention to texture and color, but also pay attention to their spirituality, which places high requirements on hand-made.

The luminous cup has a smooth texture and the wall is extremely thin and translucent. Gao Yingshe

  "The thickness of the cup wall should be just right, 1 to 2 mm is the best, too thin and white and fragile, too thick is not transparent." Quan Yuting told reporters that the selection of the quality of the luminous cup is on the one hand Look at the light and see if it is transparent, whether it contains impurities; on the other hand, it depends on the touch, whether the touch is scratched, especially at the mouth of the cup, it should be smooth and neat.

  In 2006, the processing technology of Jiuquan luminous cup was listed as the first batch of national intangible cultural heritage by the State Council. Jiuquan luminous cup factory became the responsible unit for the protection of Jiuquan luminous cup carving process. (Finish)