2020 is the year when a well-off society will be fully completed, and winning the tough battle against poverty is the bottom line task for a well-off society. In response to the strategy of rural revitalization, various e-commerce enterprises actively promote model innovation, relying on online and offline advantages to help farmers and farmers. However, in the process of poverty alleviation by e-commerce, there are still some problems in some areas, such as the ascending path of agricultural products, the disconnection of production, planting and sales, the infrastructure in rural areas still to be improved, and the aging of the rural population, resulting in insufficient knowledge and application of Internet technology.

  Since the beginning of this year, affected by the new coronary pneumonia epidemic, in the vast rural areas, the problems exposed by the disconnection of production, planting and sales have become more prominent, seriously affecting farmers' income and market supply.

  The National People's Congress and the National People's Congress, Zhang Jindong, chairman of Suning Holding Group, proposed in a proposal entitled "Developing C2M production bases to help peasants and rich farmers promote rural revitalization". The government, e-commerce, and farmers should further coordinate resources. 、 Collaboration of colleges and universities to promote the return of young people to become the main body of wealth creation, promote the formation of the goal of common prosperity, take the administrative village as the specific unit, feature the C2M (direct user manufacturing) model, and focus on online and offline integration Rural production base for sales methods.

Supporting entrepreneurs returning home to form a cluster effect

  Statistics show that from 1978 to 2018, the proportion of China's agricultural added value in GDP decreased from 27.7% to 7%; from 1978 to 2019, the proportion of rural population dropped from 82.1% to 39.4%, and some areas Issues such as shrinking agriculture and an aging population.

  Zhang Jindong said that the rural revitalization is people-oriented, and the regional layout, large-scale operation, modern production, and enterprise management of the agricultural industry should be based on the young people who have returned to their hometowns and have new knowledge structures. It is recommended that local governments actively plan and guide young people to return to their hometowns, rely on local characteristic resources for entrepreneurship, and provide support in terms of policies, funds, and taxes to form a cluster effect.

The first batch of 10 villages including Liangjiawotun Tun, Qing'an County, Heilongjiang Province became listed as Suning Village

  In recent years, new technologies such as the Internet, the Internet of Things, big data, and AI have widely penetrated into various links such as production, service, processing, circulation, and marketing to promote consumption upgrades and personalized consumption trends. The market has increasingly demanded green and high-quality products. high. In particular, the rise of the C2M model not only helps eliminate information asymmetry in production, planting and sales, but also provides a channel for product upstream.

Suning explores a variety of agricultural products C2M supply chain models such as Suning Village, Fight Base, Fight Factory

  "Many examples prove that businessmen returning to their hometowns gather in villages and rely on e-commerce enterprises to build C2M bases, not only to get rich themselves, but also to drive the surrounding villagers out of poverty and increase income." Zhang Jindong suggested that local governments introduce Supporting policies to support administrative villages and entrepreneurs who reach a certain scale and effectively drive income growth and employment, in terms of logistics and taxation; at the same time, e-commerce that extends sales and logistics networks to rural areas and builds a public service platform for rural areas Enterprises provide support including land purchase, site renting, water and electricity concessions, and two-pronged approach to promote the upward movement of agricultural products.

Build conventional green channels for agricultural assistance

  Regarding the problems of low popularity of special products in some regions and low brand premium, Zhang Jindong suggested that for C2M base products that have formed a scale but have not yet established a brand, on the one hand, they need comprehensive online promotion, on the other hand, they also need to be offline. The retail format is fully displayed and sold. It is recommended that governments at all levels widely publicize and guide, while encouraging producers to value quality and cherish reputation, coordinate enterprises to use Internet platforms, social means, etc., to launch online and offline publicity and sales of featured products. At the same time, for companies that display and sell special products in a targeted manner, the government grants preferential policies on venues, hydropower and other aspects.

  For the featured products with established brands, Zhang Jindong suggested that governments at all levels coordinate e-commerce companies to use new technologies such as big data and blockchain to help consumers track the full link information of commodities and protect genuine products. Merchant rights.

  Since the outbreak of the New Coronary Pneumonia, there have been many unsaleable agricultural products in many places. The main reason is that the prevention and control of the epidemic has led to the closure of large agricultural trading centers, and the offline transactions that agricultural products have long relied on have almost stopped. Difficulties in transportation; suspension of work has resulted in a serious shortage of agricultural personnel and materials. After the problem emerged, Suning, Tmall and other multi-home appliance platforms urgently opened green channels to help agriculture, helping to alleviate the problem of unmarketable agricultural products.

Suning released the "521" plan for rural revitalization

  Zhang Jindong suggested that while vigorously promoting the construction of C2M production bases, multiple sources of resources jointly build a green channel to help agriculture: the government strengthens policy tilt, establishes a mechanism and docking platform in key agricultural product growing areas, and e-commerce companies use artificial intelligence, big data, etc. The advantages of modern information technology and logistics and warehousing provide traffic support through the opening of agricultural assistance channels, special zones, live broadcasts, and other means, build conventional agricultural assistance green channels, open up the agricultural products uplink, and help rural revitalization.