A pitcher on the mound of a baseball field. The batter facing the pitcher. The number fight is fierce. Sometimes I look at loopholes with fastballs and sometimes with fastballs, but there are no gaps in the batter. Push and pull, high, low and unobstructed. How would the pitcher feel when he met such an all-weather hitter? The fear that comes when you meet a strong master of the air. There will be a fear that there will be no more places to throw the ball. At such a moment of mental contraction, the victory or defeat is actually decided.

● "I will become an all-weather hitter that threatens the pitcher,"

said a high-ranking government official in a war on real estate speculation. This week, it was also the answer to the question, "Why did you introduce an additional policy to strengthen the 'regulation of real estate sales for non-regulated real estate corporations'?" "However, no matter how much the regulatory gap is found, speculative forces will boldly and immediately respond to it," he said. As if playing a 'catching mole' game, it is about hitting the 'speculative mole' with a hammer through the regulatory gap.
● Actually, the 21st measure… The key target is 'Real Estate Corporation'

As mentioned earlier, the government has come up with measures to speculate real estate this week again. In fact, the 21st time since the government was launched, the core target was 'real estate corporation'. This is an urgent prescription based on the determination that the increase in 'speculation on real estate using corporations' has increased since the December 16 measures.

The reasons for establishing a real estate corporation vary, but the ultimate goal is the same. It is 'money'. From a skeptical point of view, among them, 'avoiding speculation against multi-homeowners' is the most representative . Basically, houses owned by corporations are excluded from comprehensive real estate tax. By using these loopholes, multi-homeowners establish fake corporations and transfer ownership of apartments to those corporations to reduce the holding tax. If the multi-homeowner sells an apartment held for more than 10 years by next month, the transfer rate can be avoided. Even if the corporation later disposes the house, the tax rate is only 35%, which is lower than the capital gains tax rate (up to 62%) of multi-homed persons. You can pay much less by distributing one in your name and one in your corporate name.

Real estate corporations can also be exploited as a means of giving an apartment to a child. You create a corporation in the name of your child, send money there, and buy an expensive apartment in the name of the corporation. After establishing a corporation under the name of a daughter in her early 20s, the hospital head who sent money to the corporation to buy an expensive apartment was caught in the investigation by the IRS. AndA number of cases have been discovered in which the so-called 'laundry', in which money is sent to corporations, to buy expensive apartments in the name of corporations, was conducted in order not to be investigated for funding sources.

● “A place not to be caught by radar” vs “Sell to the end”

As such a shortcut to dealing with real estate corporations took place, the government set up radars and held microscopes to conduct intense investigations. The main target areas of investigation were the major urban centers in Seoul, including the Gangnam area, where high-priced apartments are concentrated.

When the government's strong pressure came on these areas, real estate corporations were looking for places that would not be caught in the radar network. The same metropolitan area, but a little far from Seoul, so the house price is relatively cheap. South Gyeonggi (Gunpo, Ansan, Siheung, Osan, Pyeongtaek, Hwaseong) and Incheon Seo · Yeonsu-gu were the next destinations.

Indeed, the share of housing transactions by new real estate corporations has increased 'dramatically' in these regions in recent months. Real estate corporation transactions accounted for only 1.7% of all housing transactions last year, but the average jumped to 11.3% in March. Gunpo (2.4% → 8.5%), Ansan (1.5% → 7.8%), Siheung (2.5% → 6.0%), Osan (2.9% → 13.2%), Pyeongtaek (1.9% → 10.9%) It was the same.

This is because real estate corporations have been active in these regions because, as mentioned earlier, housing transaction prices are relatively low to avoid funding. In the current non-regulated area, if the transaction price is less than 600 million won, there is no need to issue a financing plan. Looking at the residential prices traded in these regions from January to last month, most are less than 600 million. (※ Ansan Unit: 98.0%, Siheung: 98.9%, Hwaseong: 93.4%, Pyeongtaek: 98.4%, Gunpo: 96.3%, Incheon Seo-gu: 98.1%)

In fact, as I went to the relevant areas and covered them, many of the authorized brokerage agencies recommended 'homes owned by real estate corporations'. "I do all the interior and interior repairs.", "I also have a charter return guarantee, so I don't have to worry about it." In addition, there were many residents who complained, saying, “I had to hurry to go to the house to find a house, but the authorized agency showed me everything I owned.

● "Stop working! Are you taking the bottom off?"

As before, the government undoubtedly pulled the knife again. It's like shouting the famous metabolism in the movie 'Tajja', "Stop the action! The government first launched a special investigation into real-life transactions for these local real estate corporations. 1) You have sold a home to a corporation where you are an executive, 2) the same person has set up multiple corporations to buy a home through each corporation, or 3) a minor has bought a home, or 4) often outsiders are in different areas. The main investigation is the case of buying a house.

Furthermore, we decided to expand the target of filing a financing plan to all corporate transactions. Right now, we had to submit a financing plan only for housing transactions of more than 300 million won in regulated areas and more than 600 million won in unregulated areas, without discrimination between individuals and corporations. We also made a separate corporate transaction form, and reported all detailed information such as capital stock, executive information, and industry. This goes beyond simply strengthening the regulatory system, "I will not give any speculation to any gap." It was also a firm commitment from the government.

In fact, Nam Young-woo, head of the Land Policy Division of the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport, said, "It is the intention to thoroughly manage the housing transactions of corporations that have been used as a shortcut, and to prevent them from being used as a speculative passage. It also shows the government's will to strictly and thoroughly manage Do." He said. It literally means "I'll dig to the end."
● Another hidden card, 'Prohibition of the sale of pre-sale rights' The

government's sword is not the only 'unregulated local real estate corporation'. It also prohibits the sale of pre-sale rights for houses supplied from private housing sites in most metropolitan areas and local metropolitan cities. Even if you win the subscription, you will receive an extra money and not sell it immediately.

The government has two main views on this issue.
1) The subscription to the metropolitan area is too hot. (The government usually uses the word 'overheating'.)
2) This difficult-to-sell concession ticket is sold immediately .

In fact, looking at the competition rate for subscription this year, more than 4 out of 10 pre-sale sites have surpassed 20: 1. Whatever happened, the number of concessions won through this high competition rate was sold within six months of the end of the resale period. "I will make a home for my family in a newly built good apartment."

Of course, speculative overheating districts like Seoul are not allowed to sell until they move in, even if they win the sale. However, in the metropolitan area and other metropolitan cities, non-adjusted areas can sell their pre-sale rights six months after winning. In addition, private residential areas in unregulated areas can be sold immediately after winning. After winning the subscription, even before the apartment building is built, the presale is sold to make a profit.

To prevent such problems, the government has decided to strengthen the restrictions on resale in the metropolitan area and metropolitan cities from August. This is to prevent the sale of pre-sale rights in most regions as well as in areas subject to adjustment after the 'ownership transfer registration'. In the case of a new apartment, it usually takes 2 ~ 3 years to complete the sale and actual construction, and it takes another few months to move in and register ownership. Eventually, even if you win the subscription, you will not be able to sell the presale. Restricted restrictions on resale are apartment complexes that have been announced after the amendment to the Enforcement Decree of the Housing Act in August.
● "I am strong in luck."

President Moon Jae-in came out in an entertainment program when he was a candidate for the presidential election. "I am strong in luck. I went to university as a luck, and I was a luck in the judicial exam. I was also a luck in the presidential election. " Also, at the graduation ceremony of the university, "the college entrance exam, graduation, judicial exam, lawyer, presidential election, do better I was able to do it .

As a reporter accessing the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport, following the government's real estate policy, I said , " I am strong in luck." I often recall President Moon's comments. "Too much intervention in the market.", "We die from the common people rather than speculators.", "I walk taxes like a communist country." In spite of various criticisms, the government's view of real estate speculation seemed steadfast.

Rather, 'Failed to get the house price. That's sad. ' There was a strong willingness to bite through the molars, not to repeat the mistakes of the participatory government that had been criticized . It's like 'Batter No. 4' who grabbed the bat, saying, 'I've been struck out in the plate, but I'm going to hit all the balls in this plate.' Government ministries, who set and enforce real estate policies, said, "It is psychopaths who repeat the same behavior and want different results." Einstein's work may be in his heart.

Is the current government's real estate policy right or wrong? There is no correct answer. As sociologist Lemont Along said, "Political choice is not a choice between good and evil, but a choice between what people like and dislike ." From this point of view, if you think about whether there are many people dissatisfied or dissatisfied with today's house prices in Korea, it seems that each one can reach their own answer. The secondLet's watch the 'war against real estate speculation' with viewers and readers.

▶ 'corporate housing transaction' that abuses tax benefits… Government, special investigation