Chung Eun-kyung, head of the Central Quarantine Countermeasures Center, bowed his head saying that he was sorry for the infection of the Corona 19 group, centered on the Itaewon Club in Seoul.

He once again called on the people to keep good social distance with consideration for the elderly and the weak.

At the regular briefing held at the Korea Centers for Disease Control and Prevention today (10th), Jung said, “As a quarantine authority, I was very concerned about the entertainment and religious facilities where closed and close contact occurred. "I'm sorry."

Corona 19 confirmed at 0 o'clock on the day, a 34-year increase from the previous day due to the aftermath of the Itaewon Club group infection.

In particular, there are growing concerns about the second wave spread across the country, with confirmers from across the country including Seoul, Incheon, Gyeonggi, Chungbuk, Jeju, and Busan.

"Healthy young people recover without any major symptoms even if they get corona19, but these epidemics accumulate in the community and can be very fatal if the elderly or underlying patients are exposed to it." Different. "

"If you have suspected symptoms after contact in a closed space that is used by multiple people, you can stop the silent transmission by receiving the Corona 19 diagnostic test early." We need to have good practice and cooperation. "

He said, “I will keep the personal information as high as possible (mechanical investigation) to protect the personal information of the members of the Itaewon club. We ask that you cooperate with the efforts to prevent the disease. "

He also mentioned that there is a need to supplement detailed guidelines based on risk assessment for each facility in relation to the continuing concern about the spread of infections, especially for high-risk facilities such as entertainment and religious facilities.

“We believe that it is necessary to develop sophisticated guidelines for facility closure or operation based on risk assessment,” said Chung. “We are working on classifying facilities into types to create sophisticated guidelines based on risk.”

In response to the question of whether there has been a suggestion that nightlife facilities such as clubs should continue to regulate the business even if they switch from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to the Central Disaster Safety Response Headquarters, the question of "differentiating the recommendation of operating restraint by facility I haven't discussed it in detail. "