With a monthly salary of 9428 yuan and 1.6 hours of housework per day, this "Superman" is a working mother

  China News Client, Beijing, May 9 (Zuo Yukun) Mother's Day is coming, Zhilian Recruitment's "Research Report on the Survival Status of Workplace Moms in 2020" recently released shows that under the status transition between the workplace and the family, " “Working mothers who have gained the workplace, have the kitchen, and have sacrificed their lives” have already rid themselves of the traditional female image and have become the pillars of supporting their families.

The picture shows the children sending flowers to their mothers. Chen Chaoshe

Work in the workplace: average monthly salary of 9428 yuan, contributing nearly 40% of household income

  The World Bank's 2019 statistics show that China's female labor force participation rate is 68.46%, much higher than the world average of 52.47%. This also means that there are many married and child-rearing working women in all walks of life, namely working mothers.

  In traditional Chinese culture, the mission of women is often defined as the husband of Xiang Xiang, the son of a virtuous family. However, with the advancement of Chinese women's liberation process and the improvement of education level, women are also pursuing independence and self-worth more.

  The data shows that the average monthly salary of working mothers is 9428 yuan / month, which is higher than 8612 yuan / month for married and unmarried women and 7065 yuan / month for unmarried groups. The completion of the marriage and childbirth process is to a certain extent positively related to factors such as age and workplace experience, so the disposable income of working mothers is also relatively high.

  At the same time, the income of working mothers accounted for 37.3% of the total family income, slightly higher than 35.8% of married and unborn women. As the average salary gap between men and women in the workplace persists, the survey data for 2020 shows that the overall salary of women in the workplace is 17% lower than that of men. On this basis, the family income contributed by working mothers is already considerable, and women have already become the pillars of raising their families.

  Working mothers with rich experience and stable income are also the most optimistic about their career development. The proportion of those who believe that they may be promoted in the next year is 15.4%, followed by unmarried women who account for 13.8%. For employers, married and unborn women who are likely to have babies at any time are in the most pessimistic situation. Only 11.3% of them believe that there is a possibility of promotion in the coming year.

Barriers to promotion of women in different marital status. Image source: "A Survey Report on the Survival Status of Workplace Moms in 2020"

  For working mothers, the obstacles to promotion are mainly from the family. 20.3% of working mothers think that taking care of the family makes the workplace energy distracted, and the parenting life makes it difficult for some working mothers to take care of their careers.

Get the kitchen: 1.6 hours of housework per day, dads still need to improve

  Taking care of the family means a lot of housework. The survey shows that working mothers and other women in marriage and childbirth work about 9 hours a day, but in terms of housework, working mothers spend an average of 1.6 hours a day, which can be said to be another heavy burden outside work.

  The word "Mom" firmly holds women and families. 87.2% of working mothers mainly accompany their families after work, which is twice as much as unmarried women, and the time they spend on rest and entertainment is also much lower than other working women.

  Not only do you spare time, but also willing to spend money for your family. 80.9% of the income of working mothers is mainly used for child support and education, while unmarried women in the workplace still rely on "eating, drinking, and playing" as the main expense, and married and non-pregnant women have the highest proportion of spending on savings and financial management.

The income distribution of women in different marital status. Image source: "A Survey Report on the Survival Status of Workplace Moms in 2020"

  For dads who also play an important role in the family, more than 90% of working dads think they are doing their best in housework and care, but the answer of working mothers is not the same-19.4% of mothers said that the other party basically did not bear the responsibility of parenting.

  The dual pressures of the workplace and family entangle the working mother and also bring happiness. At the same time, 65.2% of working mothers feel happiness and pressure after giving birth. Among dads in the workplace, more people gain happiness. The proportion of dads in the workplace who choose to increase their happiness and have more motivation to drive up to 33.7%, which is 9 percentage points higher than that of moms in the workplace.

  It is worth mentioning that working mothers have not cut the time for self-improvement, and the time investment in charging learning is no different from other women in marriage and childbirth.

Sacrifice: a quarter of working mothers give up their careers for their families

  In February 2019, the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Affairs and other nine departments issued the "Notice on Further Regulating Recruitment Behaviors to Promote Women's Employment", emphasizing that employers should not ask about women's marriage and childbirth during the recruitment process, and must not differentiate between raising women's employment standards. It also reflects the various injustices encountered by women in the workplace.

Workplace phenomena experienced by women of different marital status. Image source: "A Survey Report on the Survival Status of Workplace Moms in 2020"

  Specifically, 80.6% of married and unborn women were asked about marriage and childbirth when they applied for jobs, much higher than the other two women in the workplace. Working mothers will be forced to abandon their career development due to marriage and childbirth and their families. 11.6% of working mothers are transferred or lowered their salaries during marriage and childbirth, and 26.3% of working mothers have been forced to abandon their career development because they took care of their families. one.

  Marriage and childbearing status also affect women's personal pursuit and value orientation. Up to 82.4% of unmarried women pursue "economic and ideological independence", and working mothers are more inclined to have happy and happy families.

  Based on their respective values, unmarried women in the workplace are more inclined to regard achieving financial freedom as the goal for the next three years, accounting for 31.4%. With the progress of marriage and childbirth, the proportion of families in the future planning has also shown an increasing trend. 18.6% of working mothers choose "career stabilization and focus on the family" in the next three years of planning.

  Despite making too many sacrifices for the family, working mothers still insist on marriage and childbearing choices, and calmly face the relationship between work and marriage and childbirth. About 60% hold positive attitudes towards marriage and childbirth.

  The report pointed out that on top of the self-efforts of working mothers, there is an urgent need for more policy and welfare support and the inclusiveness of the entire society. Only in this way can the family become the armor of working mothers, not the weaknesses.

  Mother's Day is coming, say thank you to the "Superman" working mom around you! (Finish)