From mass production to mass customization

  How can Guangdong's manufacturing industry move towards the high end of the value chain?

  Editor's note

  The epidemic situation of home war, remote work, and cloud data catalyzes the new dividend of the digital economy. The latest version of the "new infrastructure" project list was released in the National Development and Reform Commission, further clarifying the importance of the digital economy to promote high-quality development, and providing policy benefits for the digital transformation of all walks of life. At the forefront of reform and opening up, Guangdong's digital economy ranks first in the country with a volume of 4 trillion yuan, and has become a new engine and new kinetic energy to promote social and economic development. In the context of overall epidemic prevention and control and economic and social development, how can Guangdong, a major manufacturing province, use digital technology innovation to gain new vitality and win new development? Nanfang Daily and Nanfang Industrial Think Tank will focus on the development of the digital economy and launch a series of deep research reports on "New Digital Momentum". The first stop of the deep research focused on the industrial Internet, and under the guidance of the Guangdong Provincial Communications Administration, explore the new kinetic energy and new engine behind the high-quality development of Guangdong.

  In Baoao International Toys City, Chenghai District, Shantou, toy factory directors walked into the live broadcast room and introduced new products to the outside world through the camera. The influx of orders quickly transformed into the sound of machines singing on the production line.

  In the past, new product R & D and sales estimates were based on experience. Either the explosions were often not available for delivery, or they could not be sold to become inventory. Many companies once sprung up the idea of ​​withdrawing from manufacturing.

  Now, with the help of the industrial Internet platform, more and more manufacturing companies have connected the digital management of design, sales and production to communicate the precise needs of consumers to upstream manufacturing companies. Manufacturers can talk to consumers more accurately. And then promote the enterprise from the previous mass production to mass customization.

  According to the plan, by 2020, Guangdong will take the lead in building a complete industrial Internet network infrastructure and industrial system in the country, which has become a key booster for driving the transformation and upgrading of Guangdong's traditional manufacturing industry and improving quality and efficiency.

  ● Southern Daily reporter Gao Xiaoping

Make before order

C2M mode to achieve personalized scale customization

  In the Weishang furniture factory located in Nanhai District of Foshan, the robotic arm sorts the plates that need to be used immediately according to the information instructions, and then the machine automatically recognizes the two-dimensional code instructions for processing.

  Every product and every plate on Shangpin's home furnishing production line are completely different. A manipulator can process thousands of completely different products every day, thus achieving personalized mass production.

  Guangzhou Carbon Xing Technology, a carbon fiber guitar manufacturer, also felt the change. Previously, a worker could only produce two or three guitars a day, but after accessing the Alibaba Cloud Industrial Internet, user segmentation needs were fed back to the R & D and manufacturing system, and orders were automatically assigned to different factories in the supply chain for customized development according to production processes. An injection molding machine can produce 1000 guitars a day, achieving large-scale production, and Carbon Technology focuses more on guitar design.

  With the changes in consumer behavior in the Internet field, consumer upgrades and smart retail are coming quietly, spawning a personalized production model that is different from the past, namely the C2M (direct user manufacturing) model.

  Speaking of the word "custom", many people will think of small batches, serving a small number of people. With the C2M reverse customization revolution initiated by the retail industry, each unique product can be produced by assembly lines, and industrial efficiency can create personality. Chemical products.

  Huang Yehua, Director of Alibaba Cloud South China, said that Guangdong ’s traditional manufacturing industry is generally facing a fiercely competitive and oversupplied external environment. Through the Industrial Internet, the original batch manufacturing factory has transformed into a data-driven mass customization factory. The post-manufacturing method also solves the industry's most headache inventory backlog.

  More and more enterprises will catch up with the express train of the Industrial Internet. Guangdong has also become the first province to release industrial Internet support policies. It is expected that by 2020, 10,000 industrial enterprises will be promoted to use industrial Internet technology to upgrade and drive 200,000 enterprises. " "Cloud on the platform" to further reduce the cost of information construction.

Industrial cluster upgrading

Promote the digital transformation of industrial interconnection

  The industrial circle has been relatively closed for a long time. While the Industrial Internet has promoted individual enterprises to embark on the road of transformation, it has also promoted the overall transformation of industrial clusters on a point-and-face basis.

  Midea ’s industrial Internet platform, Meiyun Zhishu, publishes production information to the platform. Supply chain companies can obtain the finished product plan in the first time, and directly provide key component demand information to suppliers, and suppliers also shorten the response time. Greatly save the production cycle of the entire supply chain.

  Open up the upstream and downstream industrial chain, and then drive the entire industrial cluster. The Yangjiang hardware knife and scissors cloud platform is a typical case of "Made on Cloud". The hardware knife and scissors industry is a traditional pillar industry in Yangjiang, but the industry has the pain points of backward production management methods, low level of information automation, and homogenous vicious competition. The entire industrial chain is at the low end of the industry.

  Guangdong Unicom has built the first domestic industrial cloud platform for the hardware and scissors industry for the entire industry. Based on the same industrial Internet cloud service platform, it is modularly developed for each process and link. It is expected to cover 1,000 small and medium-sized enterprises by 2020. It will also become an industrial Internet demonstration platform for the transformation and upgrading of regional cluster industries.

  "Many companies do not have their own brands and can only carry out low-end OEM processing and earn meager processing fees." Cai Longping, vice president of UF Network and general manager of South China, said that taking Apple and Tesla as an example, each process All have formed a huge industrial chain. Only by disassembling each process and refining every link can we promote the high-quality development of the industrial cluster. With the advantage of the industrial cluster of the professional town, we can quickly promote and promote transformation in the industry in batches. .

  Promoting the digital transformation of industrial interconnection in industrial clusters is an important way to promote the stability of the industrial chain, complement the strong chain and extend the chain, and build a new supply chain system. As of March 2020, Guangdong Province has initiated the pilot work of industrial cluster digital transformation of industrial interconnection Promote high-quality transformation of SMEs. It is estimated that by 2022, Guangdong will realize the pilot project of cultivating 30 industrial clusters and digital transformation of industrial interconnection.

Lower the application threshold

Obtaining digital services is as convenient as visiting "Taobao"

  The transformation and upgrading of traditional industries still face many challenges, such as expensive industrial software, which has made many SMEs digitally retreat. Unlike the traditional technological transformation, the Industrial Internet does not require substantial upgrading of mechanical equipment.

  "Many production lines already exist, and there is no need to overthrow to achieve the latest production methods." Jia Yongli, head of Huawei Cloud Industrial Internet Business, said that although some equipment is relatively backward, by introducing artificial intelligence and mathematical models, it can also be Increase productivity.

  This allows more small and medium-sized manufacturing companies to see the hope of transformation. Huang Yehua said that the industrial Internet platform is like a Taobao website. There are many industrial software, industrial solutions and service providers for SMEs to use these digital tools.

  "Our smallest order is only tens of thousands of dollars, which is what the manufacturing company can afford and is willing to try." He Dongdong, CEO of Shugen Internet, said that through the trial and use of several devices and more than a dozen devices, it was found to be valuable and then increased. , "The threshold is very low, enterprises can go back and forth, if you don't use it, you don't need it, and if you use it well, you can discuss it."

  In 2019, Guangdong's above-scale industries realized added value of 33616.10 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 4.7%. Driven by the Industrial Internet, the improvement of quality and efficiency of Guangdong enterprises will continue to promote the high-quality development of Guangdong.

■ Reporter's Notes

Industrial Internet is expected to smooth out the "smile curve"

  To increase automation and realize the most advanced production methods, is to directly purchase the most advanced equipment? Obviously not, because next year's equipment will definitely be more advanced than this year, it is difficult for enterprises to pursue more advanced equipment endlessly. Optimizing the existing stock equipment is a key point for Guangdong SMEs to upgrade.

  The Industrial Internet has adopted the "small step and run" approach, and SMEs can also purchase some lightweight applications on the platform, reducing the one-time purchase of expensive overall solutions.

  As we all know, the "smile curve" is an image description of the traditional industrial form from the perspective of the value chain. The left side of the curve is R & D and technology, the right side is branding and marketing, and the low-lying part in the middle is manufacturing. In general, the two ends can better reflect the high-end and profit of the value chain, while the manufacturing link, especially the foundry profit, is meager.

  With the help of the Industrial Internet, personalized customization gives the front-end R & D design to users, which lowers the company's independent design threshold; users place orders directly with the enterprise, which also weakens the back-end sales, and the "smile curve" is further flattened and reshaped In the entire value chain of an enterprise, the most profitable links such as design and marketing are also left within the enterprise, and manufacturing companies can also move towards the high end of the value chain.