A support unit has been set up for business leaders (illustration). - CLOSON / ISOPIX / SIPA

Business shutdown, order book plummeting and cash struggling: containment and activity restrictions caused by the coronavirus epidemic are hurting many companies. Faced with this situation, a psychological support unit has been created for “distressed” business leaders.

"The exceptional economic difficulties that companies must face during the Covid-19 crisis indeed constitute a brutal test for business leaders", some of whom "may plunge (...) into situations of extreme distress that they do not can face alone, "said the Ministry of Economy in a statement released on Monday.

The @Economie_Gouv has set up a listening
and psychological support unit to help business leaders to cope with the exceptional economic situation caused by the health crisis. 👉https: //t.co/PqpPDDLZ8t pic.twitter.com/p3qoRajkDj

- Ministry of Economy and Finance (@Economie_Gouv) April 27, 2020

Every day from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m.

Thus, in addition to financial support measures, the government has set up a toll-free number (0 805 65 50 50) open daily from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. "For the most worrying cases, the business manager will be offered, if he wishes and in the strictest confidentiality, to benefit from rapid and free treatment by a specially trained psychologist," explains Bercy. “For the other cases, a reorientation will be proposed towards public or private structures specialized in this type of support. "

This service is set up via the association APESA (Psychological help for entrepreneurs in acute suffering) with the support of Harmonie Mutuelle, the networks of Chambers of Commerce and Industry (CCI France) and Chambers of Trades and L crafts (CMA France).


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  • Deconfinement
  • Confinement
  • Company
  • Covid 19
  • Coronavirus
  • Society
  • Support