Agriculture - Illustration. - GILE MICHEL / SIPA

A Spanish temporary employment agency has been convicted of circumventing the rules on posted work, by making hundreds of people, mainly Ecuadorians, work on French farms.

Several Spanish companies have been in the crosshairs of the justice system for a few years for their potentially abusive use of posted work for French farms.

A fine of 75,000 euros

In its judgment rendered on Wednesday, the Avignon judicial court condemned the Spanish company Safor Temporis to a fine of 75,000 euros and it will have to pay the Provence Azur agricultural social insurance fund nearly 6.3 million euros, the amount estimated social contributions that she should have paid in France.

Its director Eduardo Adrover Bernabeu was given eighteen months suspended prison sentence. Between 2011 and 2016, Safor Temporis, which ace-Alpes-Côte d'Azur 2,199 employees and had installed in Pontet, near Avignon, a salesperson and two coordinators responsible for recovering agricultural workers at the station and driving them to client operations.

All, by diverting the regulation on the temporarily posted workers, according to the investigations of the labor inspectorate then of the parquet floor. These rules, which are supposed to make it easier for workers to move around the Union, are diverted to avoid paying social security contributions.


How does France intend to combat posted work?


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  • Conviction
  • Agriculture
  • Job
  • Spain