Rational consumption or retaliatory consumption in epidemic situation

During the Ching Ming Festival, the parking lots of major shopping malls in Beijing were full and the number of passengers increased significantly. This made some media lament that "revengeful consumption has come." But at the same time, surveys by major platforms have shown that most netizens have chosen "no retaliatory consumption", and even quietly changed their lifestyles, from "hoarding" to "clearing" and from following the trend to "minimalism."

A sudden outbreak has brought new changes to people's consumption outlook. The discussion of "whether you will consume rationally or retaliatoryly after the epidemic" has become a hot topic in major community platforms.

Most netizens choose "will not retaliate consumption"

The so-called "revenge consumption" refers to the behavior that restricts people's consumption needs in a particular period or occasion, and once the ban is opened, the desire to spend crazy behaviors is released. During the epidemic, some industries and enterprises encountered difficulties in operating, and their personal incomes were affected, and they were unable to maintain their previous consumption levels. At the same time, young people who do not have enough life experience suddenly realize that life needs a certain economic foundation and the ability to resist risks.

Therefore, when faced with the question of whether there will be retaliatory consumption after the epidemic, many people gave a negative answer. For example, in a recent survey conducted by Weibo in a survey of 1,799 people, only 123 people chose the option “Yes, it ’s been too long for money to be stubborn”, accounting for less than 7%. Choose “No” and “ I think, but first of all people who have retaliatory income "totaled 1,412 people, accounting for 78%, and the rest were" as usual. " In related surveys made by other media platforms, including e-commerce newspapers, C Technology, etc., the number of people who chose "no" was about 6 times the number of people who chose "will".

The 360 ​​trend shows that after entering February, the attention of the term "revenge consumption" fluctuated significantly, showing the highest peak in early March. Recently, in a survey conducted by China Economic Futures on the "Consumption Willingness after Epidemic", nearly a thousand people gave the answer: online shopping is very convenient, but most of the respondents still miss "vegetable fireworks" and "busy shopping malls"; To gain weight, more people want to stay fit and fight against the virus after the epidemic. Compared to "revengeful consumption" and "walking all over the world", it is the "kingdom" to strive to earn money and save money.

Values ​​change quietly

Rethinking rational consumption

During the epidemic, people's values ​​have also changed. Xinhua reported that this epidemic highlights humanity, such as honesty, kindness, integrity, love, and courage. People sincerely respect those medical staff, police, farmers, and workers who are not afraid of sacrifice and give up for everyone. And those ordinary fighters, volunteers, and donors who are unknown. What they do without desire and obscurity, prompts people to focus from power, wealth, fame to respect and awe of life. In the future, will we continue to pay for luxury goods and trends, or will we proceed rationally from our own reality? Under the influence of this epidemic, many young people began to rethink their financial management and consumption concepts.

Douban, a social platform that gathers popular discussion topics, has always been a place for contemporary young people to reflect on their lives and desires. Since the epidemic this year, a lot of discussions about life on Douban have been gathered on "consumption reflection", and the related topics have become more popular. The number of Douban team members around keywords such as "consumption downgrade", "minimal life" and "saving money" has skyrocketed. At the same time, under #what consumption behaviors make you feel that you have been deceived clearly #, # 百 天天 不 买 服装 穿 搭 计划 # and a series of topic tags, young people begin to analyze how to better creatively use life wisdom , Not being kidnapped by the desires spawned by consumerism.

In such an atmosphere, books that once became popular in Japan, such as "Broken Away" and "I Decide for a Simple Life", were once again included in the list of people who decided to live minimally. The high-score BBC documentary "No At the same time, the culprit of restraint consumption, along with some vlog bloggers who advocate minimalist life, have also been raised in attention.

In the discussion on related topics, plan to scrap, create anxiety, and consumer culture, and these "princes" that prompted people to consume were picked up one by one and "dropped". The most popular posts are about how to downgrade apparel and cosmetics, and how to consume goods; can Starbucks and milk tea that cost dozens of yuan a day be replaced by homemade drinks; cook yourself to avoid takeaways, etc.

Analysis thinks that rational economic man

Expenditure will be carefully arranged

The data released recently by the National Bureau of Statistics confirms the changes in people's consumption behavior. On March 16, the National Bureau of Statistics released major data on China's economy from January to February this year. The added value of industries of scale and above decreased by 13.5% year-on-year, the national service industry production index decreased by 13.0% year-on-year, the total retail sales of social consumer goods decreased by 20.5% year-on-year, and the CPI increased by 5.3% year-on-year.

From January to February, the main economic indicators fell, but it is not surprising. In the face of the violent epidemic, effective control measures were quickly adopted across China, leaving most industries in a temporary shutdown state. In the face of a major epidemic situation, it is already commendable to be able to protect the basic lives of 1.4 billion people and keep such achievements.

According to the analysis, it is not excluded that a few economically strong groups will retaliate after the epidemic is lifted. But overall, the possibility of retaliatory consumption frenzy is almost non-existent. The most critical reason is that, as rational economic people, most people will carefully arrange their consumption expenditures and choose to store more funds for the future rather than retaliatory consumption.

Text / Reporter Chen Si