"Online Survey Report on Consumer Satisfaction of Live E-commerce Shopping" Released Recently

Don't let live broadcast become a "rollover site" (Online China)

In recent years, more and more consumers have placed orders to watch live webcasts. As the live broadcast e-commerce grows bigger and bigger, the industry market also becomes more and more mixed. False propaganda, wrong goods, quality "overturn", after-sales rights protection and many other chaos urgently need to be resolved.

How hot is the live broadcast e-commerce

How hot is the live broadcast e-commerce? Let's watch the "Three Kingdoms Kill" that the live broadcast brought the goods industry quietly.

Luo Yonghao delivered an amazing record in the first show-a total payment transaction of 110 million yuan. On the other hand, although Weiya did not break last year's "Double 11" record of 2.7 billion in sales on a single day, she sold the rocket on Taobao. And a fast-moving celebrity anchor set a record of bringing billions of dollars in a single game ...

For most people, live shopping is no stranger. Since the "first year of live broadcasting" in 2016, the live broadcasting e-commerce industry has been accumulating strength, and it has become popular all over the country with the phrase "OMG! My God! Buy it!"

"Compared to traditional e-commerce and physical stores, live streaming has more interactive and entertaining." According to industry analysts, in live broadcast rooms, anchors often invite guests as "product experience officers", and Fans interact in real time in the form of a barrage, allowing customers to understand the product in a more novel way. Most anchors have a specific fan group, so they can recommend products accurately.

Under the influence of the epidemic, the advantages of live broadcast e-commerce have been further magnified, providing many homestay friends with the opportunity to "go shopping." In addition to professional goods delivery players, enterprise founders, non-genetic inheritors and even the mayor and county mayor have all started live broadcasting and delivery careers, and harvesting fans has also broadened product sales. During the epidemic prevention period, the live broadcast e-commerce also helped Hubei tea merchants to solve the problem of difficulty in selling tea. On the day of the broadcast, the sales reached 890,000 yuan, and later the goods were sold for 1 million yuan.

"Turn over" can't "dump the pot"

For users, the surprise experience of grabbing the "explosion" is wonderful, but it may also be brought into the ditch by the anchor.

It's not someone else who frequently "overturns", it is Li Jiaqi. In September last year, the "Zhuangyuan Crab" sold by a merchant turned into "the best Yangcheng Lake hairy crab" in Li Jiaqi's live broadcast room, and was later caught in the quagmire of false propaganda due to media exposure. Just after the crisis, "One Brother" caused the rights protection of consumers due to the wrong board and the wear of the body sold in the live broadcast room, which triggered consumer rights protection, and finally subsidized 200 yuan per person to the order, only to avoid a large-scale trust crisis .

"Many online celebrities bring false propaganda." Zhu Wei, deputy director of the Communication Law Research Center of China University of Political Science and Law, once said that in live broadcasts, consumers who are in a disadvantageous position in information often use words like "the lowest price in the entire network" and "limited spikes" Under the guidance of "impulsive consumption", it also makes anchors more inclined to use "extreme advertising vocabulary" to attract people's attention and boost sales.

The “Consumer Satisfaction Online Survey Report for Live Streaming E-Commerce Shopping” (hereinafter referred to as the “Report”) released by the China Consumers Association pointed out that the anchor ’s exaggeration and false publicity, and links that cannot explain the characteristics of the product are sold to the live broadcast room. Complaints are the most concentrated issues. Among the nearly 40% of the respondents who have encountered the problem of live broadcast shopping, only 13.6% of consumers said they would take the initiative to protect their rights, and nearly half of the consumers believed that they were out of luck because of "less loss".

In some social live broadcast platforms, the phenomenon of selling high imitations and counterfeit goods has been repeated, and the situation of brushing fake orders and hiring soldiers to defraud customers' trust is everywhere. Some "little anchors" even partner with merchants to fool consumers to pay. Once there is a problem, the anchor will fully "dump the pot", and even "kick the ball" with the merchant.

Anchors with goods should "cherish feathers"

Throughout the live streaming market, there are not many cases of product “turnover”. In the face of anchors who “as long as popularity gains, no responsibility”, consumers are often at a loss when defending their rights.

"There are currently two main forms of live streaming, no matter what the situation, it is illegal for the anchor to shirk responsibility." Zhao Zhan, a researcher at the Intellectual Property Research Center of China University of Political Science and Law, said that if the products recommended by the anchor are operated by themselves, they appear. The problem is to assume legal responsibility as the seller; if the anchor brings goods to other merchants, it essentially constitutes an advertising endorsement, and the products it provides must bear joint legal liability if it causes damage to consumers.

However, in reality, the relevant accountability measures after the product "overturn" are difficult to implement. Many consumers are not even aware of the occurrence of infringement, and they often face unclear definition of the responsibilities of the anchor and merchants when defending their rights. In this regard, Zhu Wei pointed out that he should seize the opportunity of the revision of the "Interim Measures for the Administration of Internet Advertising" as soon as possible, and include Internet celebrities in the scope of legal regulations, and further clarify the legal responsibilities that the anchors of the cargo should bear, so as to strengthen the market for live streaming Regulation and supervision.

Considering that consumers ’enthusiasm for defending live broadcast e-commerce is not high, the“ Report ”recommends that relevant departments unblock complaint channels, further simplify the processing process, reduce the cost of consumer rights protection and encourage consumer rights protection by introducing inversion of burden of proof, etc .; Make full use of consumer public interest litigation to help consumers protect their rights and prompt the anchors to "cherish feathers".

Anchors must also realize that even if there are tens of millions of fans and revenues of more than 100 million, the live broadcast e-commerce platform is not a place beyond Xinmayou's law. Only under the common supervision of the law and society, the anchor, merchants and platform jointly assume corresponding responsibilities, consumers will continue to participate in live broadcast shopping, and the "live broadcast economy" can continue to develop healthily.

Jin Chen