Sichuan and Chongqing housing provident funds realize cross-regional mutual recognition and mutual loan

Our reporter Wang Yichen

Recently, the Symposium on Integrated Development of Housing Provident Funds in the Shuangcheng Economic Circle in Chengdu-Chongqing Area was held in the Chongqing Housing Provident Fund Management Center. The meeting revealed that the inter-regional transfer connection and mutual recognition and mutual loan mechanism have been preliminarily established between Sichuan and Chongqing. The transfer of housing provident funds between Chengdu and Chongqing by employees has changed from "running in two places" to "offering in one place". One month is compressed to 2 to 3 working days, and the processing requirements are simplified into a table, which truly realizes that "accounts go with people, money goes with accounts".

"This policy is very important for the provident fund cross-regional business. It implements the mutual recognition and mutual loan idea and reflects a better policy orientation. In fact, the two places are establishing the concept of 'integrated provident fund'. The use and other aspects have positive reference significance and are also an important policy idea for the development of the metropolitan area this year. "Yan Yuejin, Research Director of the Think Tank Center of the E-House Research Institute, said in an analysis.

In order to facilitate people's livelihood and promote the flow of talents and labor, China has long been committed to solving the problem of remote use of "three insurances and one gold". After the problem of remote use of pension insurance and medical insurance has entered the stage of settlement, the housing provident fund is deposited, withdrawn and used The problem of efficiency also needs to be solved urgently.

As early as September 2015, the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development, the Ministry of Finance, and the People's Bank of China issued the "Notice on Effectively Increasing the Use Efficiency of Housing Provident Funds", proposing to fully implement the off-site loan business. Deposited employees who purchase a house outside the place of deposit may apply for a personal housing loan from the housing provident fund management center of the place where the house is purchased in accordance with the housing provident fund personal housing loan policy of the place where the house is purchased. The place of deposit and the housing provident fund management center of the place of purchase should cooperate with each other, issue and confirm the deposit certificate and other materials in time, and go through the loan procedures.

Since then, due to the fact that the off-site loan policy has not yet been implemented in some places, there are problems such as cumbersome procedures, many restrictions, irregular deposit and use certificates, and unsmooth information verification. In October 2016, the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development issued the "About The Notice on Certain Specific Issues of Personal Housing Loans in Different Places of the Housing Provident Fund further clarifies the relevant matters, including clarifying the conditions for the use of loans in different places; no additional conditions should be set for loans in different places; the amount of loans for different places should be determined according to local conditions;

Under the escort of policies, the promotion of the use of housing provident funds across regions has accelerated. The reporter learned that currently the capital cities of the middle reaches of the Yangtze River, including Wuhan and Nanchang, and the 10 cities of the Huaihai Economic Zone have successively launched mutual recognition and mutual loan measures. Recently, it was reported that the mobile terminal business system of the Guangzhou Housing Provident Fund Management Center has been upgraded and added functions such as the first withdrawal application, loan application and transfer of off-site accounts. .

"It should be said that the policy of urbanization of various types of provident funds has begun to increase recently, which has a lot to do with the development of the metropolitan area." Yan Yuejin said that such policies have a positive effect on the subsequent housing sales and other markets. First, the integration of provident funds makes it more convenient for home buyers in related cities to use provident funds. Some home buyers who pay their provident funds in different places can also withdraw the provident fund and apply for provident fund loans, which helps to promote the active trading market. Second, the integration of the provident fund has also made supervision more in place, and it can focus on the use of various illegal withdrawals and other usage behaviors, which will help subsequent compliance with the use of the provident fund.

However, there are still many obstacles to the comprehensive promotion of the use of housing provident funds in different places nationwide. "The main difficulty is how to maintain the overall balance of the provident fund funds pool between the two places." Liu Lu, a professor at the School of Economics of Southwestern University of Finance and Economics, believes that the coordination of the provident fund fund pools between the two places needs to be resolved. If there is more flow from one place to another, this will make other employees of the outflow feel uneconomical. "So, the ideal situation is that the flow of provident fund funds in the two places is generally in a balanced state, which can not only meet the cross-buying needs of employees of the two places, but also not make one party feel bad."

In addition, the current management system is also a major obstacle. Because the provident fund is managed by various local governments, it must be negotiated between provinces and provinces to be used in different places. It is also difficult to overcome the problems of different guarantee days and payment dates between different provinces and cities.

Wang Yichen