NY Stock Market Significantly Increases Expectations for Emergency Economic Measures March 31 6:36

The New York Stock Exchange on the 30th of the week saw the Dow Jones Industrial Average rise due to the government's expectations for economic measures taken last weekend and the rise in the stock prices of major pharmaceutical companies in connection with the development of a new coronavirus vaccine. Price has greatly increased.

The New York Stock Exchange Dow Jones closed at $ 22,327.48 on Tuesday, up $ 690 and 70 cents from last weekend.

The Dow Jones share price closed more than $ 900 last Friday, leading to a buy-back.

Pharmaceutical giant Johnson & End Inc. has announced that it will begin offering vaccines for the new coronavirus early next year, in addition to the hope that $ 2.2 trillion of government emergency economic measures will be implemented. The large purchase of Johnson also supported the rise in stock prices.

Market officials said, "It is currently welcomed that the extension of state measures to curb unnecessary outings until the end of next month will also lead to smooth economic activity thereafter. Stock prices are still volatile, with stock prices temporarily falling. "

For the time being, the rise in New York stocks early this week will see how many companies will affect the stock market price on the 31st day of the Tokyo market.