Sino-Singapore Jingwei Client, March 5th. On the eve of International Working Women's Day, the "2020 Report on Gender Pay Differences in Chinese Workplaces" released by BOSS directly showed that the average salary of women in urban China was 6,995 yuan, more than 80% of that of men. In addition, more and more women have begun to enter management. In 2019, women accounted for 25.4% of director-level positions, an increase of 0.4 percentage points.

According to the 2020 Report on Gender Pay Differences in the Chinese Workplace released by BOSS directly, in 2019, the average salary of Chinese urban women was 6,995 yuan, a year-on-year increase of 7.7%, and the average salary was 81.6% of men. Men's pay advantage has fallen to 22.5% from 27.7% in 2018. This is the first time in three years that the pay gap between Chinese women and men has narrowed.

According to the report's analysis, position, industry and working life are the three major factors that directly cause women's pay to be lower than men's. Education is the only positive factor that helps women reduce pay differentials.

From the report

The average salary of women's health care is 60% of men's

The report pointed out that because the income gap between different industries is more significant, the distribution of industries engaged by men and women directly affects the overall salary structure.

Data show that in 2019, the pay gap between men and women in nearly 60% of industries has widened. The top three industries with the highest gender pay differences in 2019 are mining and smelting, engineering construction and decoration, all of which are engineering manufacturing industries. In these areas, men have significant advantages in terms of labor participation and promotion because of their physical advantages.

From the report

According to the report, the gender pay gap in the medical industry has always been among the top five, and it has been better than the heavy physical industry for three consecutive years. In 2019, the gender pay gap in the medical industry reached 38.4%, and women's healthcare income was only 60% of that of men.

However, in addition to the overall increase in industry income, women's employment in the medical industry is shifting from basic positions such as nursing services and medical services to high-paying positions such as pharmaceutical research and development and medical device design. In 2019, the pay gap between men and women in the medical industry narrowed by nearly 1%, and the reduction rate also ranked first in all industries.

60% of women in high-paying technical positions rise

The report states that positions are the biggest factor in the differentiation of pay between men and women. In recent years, with women's increasing ability to work and career development, more and more women have begun to enter management. Data show that in 2019, the proportion of women in director-level positions in China reached 25.4%, an increase of 0.4 percentage point from 2018. Among them, the proportion of women in human resources directors reached 51.8%, an increase of 1.1 percentage points from 2018. The proportion of women in public relations directors, administrative directors, and legal directors also increased by 0.6-1.0 percentage points from 2018.

It is worth mentioning that in 2019, the participation of female executives in senior management positions such as technology, products, and sales that have a significant impact on the company's core business also increased by 0.24%, 0.07%, and 0.44%, respectively.

The report said that with the increasing number of women choosing STEM (science, technology, engineering, mathematics) majors, more and more women have poured into high-paying technical positions.

The report lists the proportion of women in the 15 technology positions with the highest average pay for the full year 2019. Although the proportion of women in 15 high-paying technical positions is still generally less than 30%, the proportion of women in 60% of the positions has increased in the past year. Among them, the proportion of women who worked as speech recognition and image recognition engineers increased by 5.8% and 3.6% respectively compared with the previous year, and the proportion of women in this position increased by nearly 20% compared to 2018.

Gender pay gap continues to grow with experience

The report pointed out that the pay gap between men and women will gradually increase as the number of working years increases. In 2019, this trend continues. Marriage and childbirth may play an important role in women's reduced investment in work and career interruptions.

The report data shows that when the work experience is more than 15 years, the pay difference between men and women in 2019 has widened to 36.4%, showing two more obvious turning points in the 3 and 10 years.

From the report

The report shows that the curve of the salary difference between men and women as a function of work experience in 2019 is clearly below 2018, indicating that although the salary difference has widened with the length of work, although it is still serious, as women's participation and contribution in the workplace Strengthen, the overall situation is showing signs of improvement. (Zhongxin Jingwei APP)