(Fighting New Crown Pneumonia) New Landscape of Spring Farming in "Shanhaihaicheng": Live up to New Hope in Farming

China News Network Taizhou, February 27 (Reporter Fan Yubin Intern Ying Shaoping) Spring ploughing, summer harvest, autumn harvest, and winter Tibetan are all seasonally shifted. The rain and solar terms are over, which is a good time for all things to grow. The critical moment for the prevention and control of the new crown pneumonia epidemic is also an important period for spring ploughing. Farmers everywhere are spreading between the rivers, lakes, seas, forests and fields, sowing the "seeds of hope" in 2020.

The spring breeze is on the south bank of the Green River. The "mountain sea city" in Taizhou, Zhejiang has both the advantages of the mountains and the sea and abundant products. It is a comprehensive agricultural area with comprehensive development of agriculture, forestry, animal husbandry and fishery. It is also an important green agricultural product supply base in the Yangtze River Delta It is also an important fishing area in China. Under the epidemic situation, Taizhou's agriculture and fisheries played a number of "combination punches" such as manpower, technology, and service to start the "different spring farming" of the year.

Pictured: Farmers are busy cultivating seedlings in the Intelligent Seedling Base of Taiwan Farmer Pioneer Park, Xianju County, Taizhou City. Photo by Wang Huabin

"Thirst quenching" manpower shortage to recover epidemic losses

People come early in the spring, picking tea at the time. In the past few days, the formerly quiet Yuhuan Longer Volcano Tea Base has become lively. Tea pickers put on masks and tea baskets. With the green "health code", they went up the mountain to pick the first spring tea, so that they could sell early. price.

"In order to achieve correctness for tea picking and epidemic prevention, we recruited local workers this year. We conducted identity surveys and daily health registration for each tea picker and tea maker, and we also controlled the number of people." Zhejiang Longer Volcano Tea Industry Co., Ltd. chairman Lin Zhaoshui said.

The epidemic situation can be prevented and the smell of tea can be smelled. This scene is not alone in Taizhou.

In Fangshan Yunwu Tea and Tea Garden, Daxi Town, Wenling, more than 30 tea pickers wear masks, and they are more than 3 meters apart to pick high-quality shoots. Huang Ruibing, the person in charge of the tea garden, said: "The quality of tea is better now. If it is delayed for a period of time, it will lead to a decline in quality and it will be difficult to sell in the market."

In Zhongkoutang Village, a town next to Sanmen Pavilion, there are green tea all over the mountain, and a group of party volunteers wearing "red horse clips" shuttle around the tea garden to help tea farmers "grab" spring tea. Nearly 5,000 acres of spring tea in the local area are waiting to be harvested, but due to the epidemic situation, the shortage of picking workers has become a "urgency" for tea farmers.

The picture shows: Party volunteers of Tingbian Town, Sanmen County, Taizhou City help tea farmers to pick spring tea. Photo courtesy of Sanmen County Party Committee Propaganda Department

"Once the harvest time of the tea before the early morning rain is missed, the selling price of tea will plummet, and the tea farmers next to the pavilion are expected to lose more than 10 million yuan." Volunteer volunteers, helping 25 tea gardens and cooperatives to "grab" picking spring tea, and using the government to build platforms to help tea farmers sell online and offline through multiple channels. "

Not only is it "grabbing" picking spring tea, as China's largest western blue flower production and export base, the coastal western blue flower industrial belt of Taizhou also faces labor shortage and difficult harvesting.

To this end, the Taizhou Agriculture and Rural Affairs Bureau organized nearby "commando teams" and "grabbing teams" to help agricultural production and operation entities collect and seize seasonal agricultural products such as western blue flowers, and to support cross-regional commissioned harvesting, processing, transportation, and sales. Under the epidemic, Taizhou has already played the horn of busy farmers.

Pictured: Yellowing mud is one of the basic work for spring ploughing. These yellow mud will be used for seedling trays, soaking seeds, and cultivating seedlings. Photo by Lin Li

Technical policy "blessing" lays the foundation for the new year

"Bu Gu Feifei advised early farming, and he took advantage of Chunqing." During the critical period of the epidemic prevention and control, seeing a sprout of spring buds became the most anticipated scene for every farmer busy in the field.

In Baihe Town, Tiantai, a service team composed of municipal science and technology commissioners, town agricultural technicians, and village science and technology experimenters came together to follow and guide farmers to do epidemic prevention and control and new corn varieties cultivation experiments.

In the field in the early spring, agricultural technicians are providing technical guidance: "Always wear a mask, spray with disinfectant around the test site, adopt distributed and peak-shift operation, and carefully plant according to technical regulations. After transplanting, water Then, cover it with a small shed film to prevent freezing. "Through a series of technical measures to ensure the vegetative growth of corn in the early stage, in a facility cultivation environment, the batch of corn cultivation will be supplied to the market more than one month in advance.

As a "hometown of fruits", Taizhou, in the epidemic situation, the fruit farmers of Xianju bayberry prepared for the rain and were busy pruning branches to ensure the growth and flowering of bayberry trees.

In Xianju Bulu Township of "Yangmei Town, China", the local experts contacted the Zhejiang Academy of Agricultural Sciences to formulate a detailed resume production plan, and organized the Yangmei Association to set up 18 service teams to guide Meinong to delay the time "Grab" back.

While the agricultural technicians are running around the field, the agricultural sector is sending a "warm" policy to the door.

"The subsidy rate for early rice, continuous cropping and late rice has been increased from 320 yuan to 350 yuan per mu; 300 mu of green prevention and control technologies such as vetiver, chrysanthemum, sunflower, etc. have been integrated and applied in the functional area in a continuous and integrated manner. For the above, subsidies will be given at 80% of the actual investment amount of the prevention and control facilities in that year; continue to optimize the purchase of grain orders ... "Recently, Wang Xuhui, director of the Agricultural Technology Extension Center of the Jiaojiang District Agriculture and Water Conservancy Bureau of Taizhou City, patiently read to farmers from 2020 Food production support policies.

It is reported that the Jiaojiang District's “vegetable basket” guarantee subsidy during the period of clear epidemic prevention and control has expanded 150 acres of leafy vegetables, which will provide nearly 200 tons of vegetables to the market. Yin Xuexing, deputy director of the Jiaojiang District Agriculture and Water Bureau, said, "While waiting for people during farming, you must also ensure the supply of materials and stable prices during spring ploughing.

The picture shows: "Taiwan, Jiuxian" poultry Huimin Huimin special supply counter. Photo courtesy of the Propaganda Department of the Taizhou Municipal Party Committee

Multi-channel linkage smooth sales network

Facing the East China Sea, marine fisheries is an important industry in Taizhou. After being silent for more than a month in Wenling, Shitang Town ’s Gaosheng Wharf in Wenling, “the largest marine fishing city in Zhejiang”, it started to be lively again. The items are removed from the full-loaded freshness ship for filing and classification.

Right now is the peak fishing season for Pippi shrimp. One by one, Pippi shrimp are continuously picked up by net bags, poured into baskets, and then transferred to the shore. They are sorted by fishermen and can be sent to Ningbo, Hangzhou, Seafood markets in Shanghai and other places.

As of the 25th, Taizhou has resumed 2,145 fishing vessels, accounting for 84.2% of the city's intention to resume fishing vessels, and all aquaculture enterprises in the city have resumed their operations.

Pictured: Taizhou Science and Technology Special Commissioner inspects seedling conditions in a seedling shed. Photo courtesy of Baihe Town, Tiantai County

The blood clam export breeding base located in Sanmen County, the "hometown of small seafood in China", was affected by the epidemic, and the blood clam could not be successfully exported. The best time to stock blood clam seedlings is two or three months a year. Sell ​​blood clams as soon as possible. In response to this, the local approval process was simplified, and three blood clams were listed on the online platform to gain time for farmers to expand their sales channels.

Coincidentally, because of the epidemic, the Xianju chicken, known as the "China's No. 1 Chicken", also suffered from the suspension of live poultry trading and sluggish market consumption. Obviously, the farmers in the farms had serious problems in production and operation. At one time, it was difficult to sell.

In order to help poultry production enterprises and farmers to get through the difficulties, Taizhou ’s regional public brand of agricultural products, “Taiwan Fresh”, has launched poultry benefits to farmers, and has established 39 special stores in the form of direct supply from the base, government subsidies, and uniform selling prices. For counters, provide high-quality poultry products.

As the people ’s “vegetable baskets”, “rice bags”, and “fruit plates” continue to be enriched, farmers and fishermen in Taizhou are only fighting for the day and night, and they are preparing for spring ploughing during farming. "Striving for the defense of the economy and people's livelihood in one hand" injected strong momentum. (Finish)