The International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) issues a new report on the representation of women in the wind energy sector during a high-level dinner for women, which was jointly organized by the UAE mission to (IRENA) in cooperation with the agency on January 10, at the end of the first day of the tenth meeting of the Assembly Company for Irina in Abu Dhabi.
The report, to be issued and discussed during the evening event "Women in the Renewable Energy Sector", is based on the results of a study jointly implemented by (IRENA), the World Wind Energy Council, and the Global Network for Women for Energy Transformation. The report will shed light on the fact that although there are great job opportunities for women in various fields in the wind energy sector, the representation of women in this sector globally still needs more attention.
This high-level event also aims to discuss and celebrate the vital role that women play in the global transformation within the energy sector, starting from leadership roles and ending with technical processing jobs and technical innovations.
Francisco La Camera, Director General of the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) said: "The transformation in the renewable energy sector can boost economic development and create many jobs, but to ensure that everyone benefits from the social and economic opportunities arising from this transformation, the equality between Gender is essential, as women offer valuable perspectives on major decisions, from investment opportunities to project design. ”
He added: "The new study on women's employment in wind energy indicates that women possess skills, but socio-cultural norms and gender-specific roles often remain among the obstacles to achieving gender equality. An increase in women's participation will foster the growth of The sector by employing untapped female talents, ensuring that future energy systems meet the needs of modern societies. "
Women currently represent 32 percent of workers in the renewable energy sector in general, compared to 22 percent in traditional energy sectors such as oil and gas, according to a study released by the International Renewable Energy Agency in 2019. The proportion of women represented in the field of wind energy is 21 Percent, indicating that this field faces a major challenge in optimizing the utilization of women's competencies, and overcoming barriers to their participation, empowerment and development in this sector.