Specialists in the economy and retail trade expected that it will be 2020 years to reap the fruits of the strategic partnership between the UAE and Saudi Arabia, especially in the economic field, with the support of the sectors of tourism, re-exports, and strong logistical services in the UAE.

They also expected, for «Emirates Today», the continuation of the policy to support the legislative and economic environment, and that the retail market in the country will witness an improvement and greater activity during 2020, driven by the entry of new competitors to the market, and that the national economy achieve a growth rate between 2 and 3%.

They saw that several key sectors will drive growth during the year 2020 with the support of Expo 2020 Dubai, most notably tourism and hotels, while the real estate sector is witnessing tangible activity with support from the international exhibition and high demand, which supports existing projects, at a time when inflation levels are heading towards stability.

To view the experts' expectations for economic activity for 2020, please click on this link.