
Friday's friendly economy, Kwon Ae-ri reporter. Kwon, how many products have been recalled because of harmful substances detected in winter goods such as children's clothes?


Yes, if you have anything to buy before this winter, please take a closer look.

Children's clothes, jumpers, eye trinkets, electrical blankets, etc. have been found in a number of hazardous products that have far exceeded the standard, have a risk of fire, or are otherwise bad.

Here are the products you see. 99 kinds. Since October, the National Institute of Technology and Standards has concentrated on nearly 1,300 items of household items and household items, such as electricity, which are often purchased in winter.

Of these, there were problems with 99 products, and a recall order was issued, especially 20 children's clothes.

But there are quite a lot of big brands, many famous brand jumpers. There were also bad children's hair ornaments, chairs and beds.

There were also products that found harmful substances such as lead and carcinogen formaldehyde in clothes and jewelry that were detected several tens of times higher than the standard and hundreds of times more.

There were some products that were not wearing straps that could be caught in elevator doors, or were brittle.

In addition, there were 26 problems with heating products such as electric mats, oil stoves, and heat packs.

I would like to mention all of these 99 products here, but I don't have enough time, so if you are subtitled in the portal search box, you can enter 'Product Safety Information Center' or 'Product Safety Information Center' to access the homepage you see right now. A link will appear at the top.

Here are the 99 products in question for any brand and model. You can see it on the Happy Dream site that I mentioned a few times here.


I'm particularly annoyed at why I only make children's clothes, but aren't they on the market anymore?


In principle, it should be so. However, if you are planning to buy these household goods or seasonal goods in the near future, it would be better to check them together.

Authorities have ordered companies to collect what they've sold so far, but there's a chance there will be a time lag before it's fully implemented. To be able to collect everything that is distributed to people like small sellers.

So, I showed you 'Safety Korea'. We will show you the address as well. You can check it out here or at Happy Dream.

In case you check it now, I bought it a few days ago, I'm sleeping under it now. Then stop using it immediately and ask the vendor for a refund or exchange.

And the Ministry of Food and Drug Safety has ordered the recovery of harmful substances from Indian mugs imported and sold by IKEA. This is already over 11,000 imported products.

This is just one kind, there are only three colors and a few, so I'll just show you now. Anyone who bought this mug is bad for you. Stop using it. I hope you get a return.

Gwon, let's talk about something else. What are some of the world's events that could have a significant impact on us this weekend?


Yes, there is the first big event that will outline roughly 15 minutes from now. British general election.

The exit will be at 7:00 a little later than our time. The counting is not completely over, but after the vote, there's a prediction.

Why this matters to us now is that if the ruling party in the UK doesn't have a majority, then the Brexit problem that the UK leaves in the EU can be stuck in uncertainty for some time.

The Brexit problem is dragging on, and there are dark clouds in a difficult European game.

But if the ruling party does not have a majority, it will take a while for the problem to progress.

And a much bigger problem for us than this, the upcoming day after tomorrow is the deadline between the US and China. "I will. I will."

This problem. If the negotiations are successful until the day after tomorrow, they are not very clear.

Expectations for the deal are already reflected in the stock market. There is a long way to go after the negotiations.

But if there has been a hopeful mood for months and there is no point in the day after tomorrow, then how difficult it is for the US-China trade conflict to go one step further, the market's instability will inevitably grow.

This is bad news. We'll have a look at the situation next week.


Nevertheless, President Trump reached a principle agreement and left a signature when he was dressed up as a reporter. Let's take a look together.