Nikkei Stock Average Close 149 Yen Dec 3 Dec 15:14

Tokyo stock market on the 3rd, the stock price dropped.

The Nikkei Stock Average, the closing price on the 3rd, was 23,379.81 yen, 149.69 yen lower than the previous day. The Tokyo Stock Price Index = Topics fell by 1.76 to 1706.73, with a daily trading volume of 1,074.75 million shares.

Market officials said, “U.S. President Trump's policy to add tariffs on imported goods such as steel from Brazil and Argentina has raised concerns about the future of the US and emerging economies. `` Since the closing price of the Nikkei Stock Average has renewed the highest price in the past, there has been a moment when the price of the stock has risen in order to secure profits for the time being, and there has been a temporary drop in prices by more than 300 yen. '' It is.