"Pig cholera" to change name to "CSF" Consumer anxiety To avoid inviting November 12, 14:05

The Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries has revealed its policy to change the name to the internationally used CSF for the swine contagious disease, “pig cholera”, which is spreading in Japan. The idea is to remind consumers of the infectious disease cholera so as not to invite unnecessary anxiety and distrust to consumers.

Porcine cholera, a contagious disease of pigs, occurred in Gifu Prefecture in September of last year, and the infection has spread to the Kanto region.

About this pig cholera, Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries revealed policy to change the name to CSF ​​in the future. CSF is an abbreviation of “Classical Swine Fever”, an English abbreviation for classic swine fever, and is an international term used in the United States and other countries.

According to the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, the reason for the change is that pig cholera is associated with cholera, a human infectious disease, but there is no risk of infecting humans so as not to invite unnecessary anxiety and distrust to consumers.

The name “ASF” is also used from “African Swine Fever” for “African swine cholera”, which is spreading in China and other Asian countries.

Mr. Eto, Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries told reporters after the cabinet meeting, “BSE of cattle infectious diseases was also called BSE in the past, but now it is called BSE. I asked for an understanding of the name change.