Consumption tax increase for 1 month A voice that points out incomprehensible at the site of eat-in November 1, 3:59

In the reduced tax rate system introduced in conjunction with this increase in the consumption tax rate, a tax rate of 10% is applied to customers who eat and drink in the in-store space such as supermarkets and convenience stores. Some voices point out that it is difficult to understand.

From October, at the supermarket headquartered in Matsuyama City, customers who buy products to eat in the store will receive posters and pops that say "Please tell the cashier at the time of checkout," lunch boxes, prepared food counters, eat-in spaces, etc. The system is set up so that customers can report it.

As a result, at this supermarket, a certain number of declarations exceeded the initial assumption in one month after the introduction of the system.

On the other hand, customers of eat-in space have heard various opinions about this system.

A male customer who actually bought a lunch box at a tax rate of 10% said, “Since we use the store space, it can't be a little expensive. Eating here is more convenient than taking it home. ”Was an understanding of the system.

On the other hand, a male customer who initially bought red rice at an 8% tax rate to take home and then decided to eat it in the store said, “We used eat-in space to meet people because we had some time after shopping. There are various cases to take home, and it is troublesome to declare each time, so it is better to have the same tax rate even in the case of eat-in. "

In addition, some customers did not fully understand the introduction of the system, bought a lunch at an 8% tax rate and ate it eat-in, and some customers pointed out that the system was difficult to understand. There is also a voice.

Naomi Honkawa, chief of public relations at Fuji, said, “I think it is a complicated system for employees and companies as well as for customers. I want to make it easier for customers to understand and post the system.” Talking.