Ministop Cashless payment ratio This month 6% increase October 10 17:33

A major convenience store, Ministop, has revealed that the ratio of cashless payments at stores has increased by about 6 points since the beginning of this month when the pointless system for cashless payments began with the increase in the consumption tax rate.

This is a pointless system for cashless payments. Ministop offers a substantial discount at the franchise stores, which account for approximately 90% of the total, by subtracting the amount equivalent to 2% from the purchase amount at the time of payment.

As a result, the ratio of cashless payments for 1 week from the 1st to the 7th of this month was about 30%, an increase of about 6 points from about 24% last month.

Ministop President Akihiro Fujimoto said at a press conference, “I was looking for how much merit would be gained with a 2% reduction, but it was growing more than I expected. However, payment operators have added their own point reduction. The effect is great, so I want to keep an eye on what will happen in the future. "

Ministop also revealed that even after the consumption tax rate has been raised, sales have increased by about 5% compared to the same period of the previous year.

For this reason, President Fujimoto said, “In July, the price of rice balls was greatly reduced. With the introduction of a reduced tax rate, there has been no significant change in consumer awareness so far, but I think the savings will become stronger.” Said.