Yen exchange price increased somewhat September 25 18:48

The Tokyo foreign exchange market and the yen exchange rate on the 25th have risen somewhat.

The yen exchange rate as of 5 pm is 1 dollar = 107.28 yen to 29 yen, which is 31 yen yen stronger than the 24th.

Compared to the 24th, the euro is 22 yen higher than the euro, 1 euro = 117.98 yen to 118.02 yen.

The euro was 1 euro = 1.0997 to 98 dollars against the dollar.

Market officials said, “American President Trump showed a strong attitude toward China in a speech at the United Nations, and the chairman of the House of Representatives of the United States parliament clarified a policy to start investigation into President Trump ’s impeachment Investors concerned about economic and policy stagnation sold the dollar. "