Lucas Finchelstein invented Koikil, the first driver's license insurance. Invited from France Bouge academy, Monday on Europe 1, he submits his project being developed to Laurent Choain, DRH of the company Mazars, and Clara Audry, partner at Cap Horn, venture capital investment fund.


He wants to give drivers' licensees the right to make mistakes. On Monday, in France Bouge academie, on Europe 1, which gives the floor to young entrepreneurs, Lucas Finchelstein, 24 years, came to present Koikil, his insurance project for the examination of the driving license which he hopes to be able to launch soon. Laurent Choain, HR manager of Mazars and Clara Audry, partner at Cap Horn, a venture capital fund, give their opinion on this project.

Koikil, what is it?

This is an insurance for driving license examination. "You go to, you spend 150 euros to take out insurance, if you miss your first attempt, the insurance pays 5 driving hours and the exam fees to your driving school, so you can train yourself. and pass the exam again without spending too much money, "explains Lucas Finchelstein. "The advantage is economic, you pay 150 euros, 5 hours of driving and the exam fees are worth double.It is also a way to prepare for the test more serenely by saying that l 'we have the right to make mistakes.'

According to the young entrepreneur, a graduate of a master's degree in banking and finance in Paris Dauphine, there is a market for this new type of insurance. "A million and a half people are trying to get the license every year and 900,000 are getting it," he says. "But the failure rate for driving licenses is 40%, and it's climbing 50% in Paris."

>> From 12h to 14h, France is moving with Raphaëlle Duchemin on Europe 1. Find the replay of the show here

What do Laurent Choain and Clara Audry think?

For the coach and the investor, Lucas Finchelstein's idea is good. "We must go further, that's for sure," said Laurent Choain. For Clara Audry, "It's a good idea because we know that a driver's license is an important investment, especially at an age when you are a student or a young worker." According to her, this type of project also shows how much the world of insurance is in full swing. "In the past, we were on very limited points of contact between the insurer and the insured. Today, we take insurance for certain moments of his life and for very short periods. "