
Let's start with Kwon Ae-ri's friendly economy. Reporter Kwon, I started to apply for work incentives.


Yes. Work Incentives Once explained, the Work Incentives are money for people who work and earn money, but still have a low income.

It's a system where you have to work to get money so that you can literally encourage you to actively seek and continue without giving up your work even if you have a small income.

More than 5 million people have been guided by the government last year as if they could get the money.

More than 5.5 trillion won will be supported. It's about 1.1 million won per household. And from this year onwards, we have changed what we earned once a year so that earners can share it twice a year.

It is said that the more I want to work, the more I want to work, and the effect of preserving my income will increase.

This is the application period for those who want to share. I only apply for income in the first half of this year.

Although the announcement was sent to 1.55 million people who would like to receive it, you may not be among the recipients of this notice, even though I am a condition.

So if you see today (22 days) and say, "Oh, I can get this too," you should apply by the deadline.


How can I easily tell if I'm applicable or not?


I'll tell you the conditions. Now is the time to apply for only those who have been paid. No one with business income.

And the age limit, which was partially up to last year, was abolished, with only income and property conditions, living alone, with an annual income of less than 20 million won.

But now is the time to apply for some income in the first half of this year. So I'm not sure how much my annual income will be.

So, the qualification is based on the money and property earned by the applicant last year, and when the final settlement for this year is made in September next year, the situation is checked and "Oh, I don't get this much." You can take some of it and take it out of low income.

There is only one person who earns a family, in this case less than 30 million won, single-family household, and less than 36 million won.

And as of last year, the property of this house should be less than 200 million won. Property includes things like real estate, deposits, cars and deposits.

If you believe that you can apply and receive the money you earned from January to June in the first half of this year and receive it by the 10th of the following month, only 35% of the estimated money will be given in December of this year.

This is done to save you from having to pay back and ask you to get it back, and you'll meet the conditions next year, and you'll get the remaining 15% of your first-year income you didn't receive this time in September next year.


Yes. i See. Please kindly let me know how to apply.


You told me the guide went out to 1.55 million people. These people can apply simply.

You can call the subtitled ARS number, or access the IRS HomeTax app, or the HomeTex PC page, and enter the Individual Verification Number, My Number and Account Number you will receive in the notice.

There is no notice, but I think that's the case. Those who have to go to the homepage and enter my income, property, who you live, you need to fill in all these and apply from the beginning.

For young people or those who are good at using the Internet, this would be more convenient. I think it would be more convenient for those who want to go to the nearest tax office and apply face-to-face with the staff.

If you miss this period, there is an application period for income this year next year. If you apply this time, you will get a quick return on your first half income.

And last year, I received a job incentive for my money. They will be deposited before the coming Chuseok. It is expected to be the first week of next month.