
Controversy over hot rate-linked derivatives, which is at risk of losing most of its principal.

The key is whether the bank has properly informed its customers of these high-risk products.


This is a product description distributed to employees by Woori Bank for the sale of foreign interest-linked derivatives in question.

After simulating the data for the last 18 years, the probability of maturity is 100% and the probability of principal loss is 0%.

If you bury 100 million won for 6 months, you can make a profit of up to 2 million won, but it does not explain the risk of flying up to 980 million won.

Another derivative statement, which is handled by Hana Bank, contains high risks of investment and loss of all the principals, but it is written in seductive letters.

Shin Mo, 72-year-old who invested 200 million won in old age, says he didn't even hear the explanation when he joined the fund.

[Shin Mo / DLF Investor: Principle of loss, did not even atom of principal. It's dangerous. No eating, no wearing, saving. I didn't take a real taxi. So that's the money we saved.]

Shin's investment has lost 34% of his principal in the beginning of this month, and more than half are now flying.

[Cho Nam-Hee / Director of Finance and Consumer Resources: In the UK, we need to do a preliminary investigation or review by financial authorities (such as risks), how much will this benefit the consumer through a preliminary examination of the product. ]

The FSS said that the bank's excessive earnings grounds were also part of the incident, and that it would work to change performance indicators that value performance.