Teller Report

Hamburger SV: Marcell Jansen is the new president of HSV

1/19/2019, 4:30:44 PM

An ex-player is now club boss: Marcell Jansen has been elected president of Hamburger SV. That resulted in the general meeting.

Marcell Jansen is the new president of the football second division Hamburger SV. The former international sat down at the general meeting against the former treasurer Ralph Hartmann. Former President Jürgen Hunke withdrew his candidacy shortly before the election.

The 33-year-old Jansen received in the vote of the entire club 799 votes, and thus significantly more than his remaining opponent Hartmann. Between 2008 and 2015, Jansen played for HSV and then finished his career at the age of 29 years.

Jansen receives by his election as head of the club also a seat on the supervisory board of the football club and thus has direct influence on the football club, in which the HSV eV with 76.19 percent is the largest shareholder. Jansen has been a member of the supervisory body for almost a year now anyway.

The presidency in the HSV eV was vacant since September 19, after Bernd Hoffmann, only 55 years old, had been appointed to the position of chief executive officer of the indebted HSV Fußball-AG. The Hanseaten wrote after relegation from the Bundesliga last for the eighth time in a row red numbers, the fiscal year 2017/2018 was closed with a loss of 5.8 million euros. The liabilities amount to 85.4 million euros (previous year: 105.5 million euros).