Teller Report

Chris Brown is released after rape charges

1/22/2019, 11:21:46 PM

US rapper Chris Brown is released after interrogating him about rape charges against him. A procedure was not initiated at first, but the police continue to investigate.

After the arrest of Chris Brown in Paris for rape suspected the US rapper has been released. Previously, he had been interrogated, reports the AFP news agency, citing the prosecutor. A case against Brown was initially not initiated. The investigations in the case, however, continued. A woman accuses Brown of having abused her with a friend and his bodyguard.

Brown was arrested on Monday. According to the wife, the gang rape in the night of January 16 in a hotel in the center of the city, according to the AFP. The 25-year-old had said earlier with the musician and other women in a club in the French capital and then accompanied him to the hotel. Brown is also charged with drug offenses.

Brown's attorney Raphael Chiche said his client "energetically" asserted his innocence and wanted to file a defamation lawsuit. The singer himself called the allegations in the online picture service Instagram "wrong" and "disrespectful".

Brown has been in trouble with the judiciary over the past few years. In 2009, he was sentenced to five years in prison and 180 days of community service by a Californian court over an attack on his then-girlfriend, R & B star Rihanna. In 2014, Brown pleaded guilty to attacking a fan in Washington. He was arrested in 2016 after a woman accused him of holding a gun to her head.

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