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Brexit talk on "Anne Will": Chaos, mess, Kladderadatsch

1/21/2019, 1:54:45 AM

Anne Will wanted to know who could still bring order to the "dispute over Brexit". A team consisting of Norbert Röttgen and Sahra Wagenknecht, did not crowd. After all: Jean Asselborn opened a small door.

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Question of the evening: How would the impending disorder, which an unregulated Brexit would bring with it, still be prevented? The discussed presenter Anne Will with her guests.

Alternatives of the evening: The term often referred to as Brexit in one breath is "chaos". Also in "Anne Will" he appeared in the title: "Controversy over the Brexit - who can still prevent the chaos?" After all, in the talk show but two alternatives were fed into the linguistic usage: As "mess" described Kate Connolly, the Berlin correspondent of the British "Guardian" and the "Observer", the situation. And the leader of the Left in the Bundestag, Sahra Wagenknecht, spoke of "Kladderadatsch". Which at least showed that chaos is not without alternative.

"I took this step to save myself from this mess." - @connollyberlin on the reasons why she decided to become a German citizen as a result of the # Brexit referendum. #AnneWill

- ANNE WILL Talk Show (@AnneWillTalk) January 20, 2019

Demand of the evening: Greg Hands, Tory MP, who voted against Brexit but now wants to see the outcome of the referendum implemented, called for more movement from the EU. The agreement negotiated by British Prime Minister Theresa May, which had been rejected in London these days, was "only a good deal from the EU perspective". What is needed is a willingness to compromise, in particular: the backstop regime, with which the EU wants to prevent a hard border between Northern Ireland and Ireland in an emergency, and reforms to a future customs union.

Culinary allusion of the evening (1): A customs union with the EU, in which Britain would no longer have a seat, would not be a good idea, Hands said: "If you do not have a seat at the table, you're probably on the menu."

"If you do not have a seat at the table, you're probably on the menu." @GregHands on a customs union with the EU, in which Britain would no longer have a seat. #AnneWill #Brexit

- ANNE WILL Talk Show (@AnneWillTalk) January 20, 2019

Small door of the evening: Luxemburg's Foreign Minister Jean Asselborn, who called himself "a little man" but represented the EU in the broadcast as it were, played the responsibility back to London: "We know what you do not want, but we do not know what you want." The European Union was "pushed to the limits of flexibility" in the negotiations. But he also opened a door; or a cat flap. Since a Brexit without contract "economically and socially" could lead not only for Great Britain in "a disaster", one must speak further. With "this backstop is nothing to do," he said. But "we should see that we move in the Customs Union".

"I do not understand that the British do not agree with the backstop," says Jean Asselborn about the scheme to avoid a hard border between Northern Ireland and Ireland. #AnneWill #Brexit.

- ANNE WILL Talk Show (@AnneWillTalk) January 20, 2019

Problem definition of the evening: The British-German journalist Kate Connolly hit the cat flap again: "If we stay in the Customs Union, we are still in the EU" - so many in the UK would think: "This is not accepted." The problem was "this referendum". "The question was very simple: in or out?"

Culinary allusion of the evening (2): It came from Norbert Röttgen (CDU), the chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee in the Bundestag. "Making a scrambled egg from an egg is easy, making an egg out of a scrambled egg is more difficult." Translation: The British decision to regain the egg is one thing. How to do that, something else.

Graphic for Brexit poker

Status of the negotiationsSo it could go on

Referendum supporters of the evening: On Sunday it was reported that British MPs - Labor and Tory people - had joined forces to prevent an unregulated Brexit. The fact that the parliament draws the process is "a real novelty in terms of parliamentary history," said Röttgen. In it he sees a solution. Even if no agreement can be reached, "there will only be a second referendum". Every legislator has the right to correct himself. Journalist Kate Connolly said it was "perfectly legitimate" to talk about it.

Referendum opponents of the evening: Greg Hands said that not implementing the result of the first referendum, was "totally undemocratic". It would also be clarified what would be the question in a new vote: whether to accept May's agreement? Whether you really want to Brexit? Sahra Wagenknecht said a second referendum would increase the rage on "the elite" if it gave the impression that it was being voted on until it gave a favorable result. It was not discussed whether a referendum on the question would be useful if there should be a second referendum.

@ SWagenknecht explains to #AnneWill why she considers a second # Brexit referendum problematic:

- ANNE WILL Talk Show (@AnneWillTalk) January 20, 2019

Quarrel of the evening: Wagenknecht and Röttgen took over. Wagenknecht said the Brexit vote was "a vote against this EU as it is today", in which capital freedoms had "priority over basic social rights". It is conceivable for them to maintain one of the four fundamental freedoms of the EU - the internal market. She criticized that too many workers from the eastern EU countries had come to the UK. Röttgen reproached her with an "economic picture of Europe": "Goods should migrate, people should stay at home?" He compared it to the populists from the right. Wagenknecht: "That's really cheap now, it's about regulations that create anti-European resentments."

Bouncers of the evening: Jean Asselborn said the task was to prevent a Brexit without a deal. He left it at the very end with unconcrete hints, but so he dismissed the audience hopeful into the night: "There are approaches."