Teller Report

Anna from Eschweiler betrayed New York

4/26/2019, 2:58:23 PM

She lied and betrayed the New York High Society. Now a Russian who grew up in Eschweiler was found guilty in the US - and still staged herself in the courtroom as if on stage.

Even when Anna Sorokin was already on trial as a defendant, she delivered another show.

An Instagram account dedicated itself to their outfits in court, so on one of the trial days Sorokin appeared in a white dress. More displayed innocence hardly goes.

But in the end, that did not help her: In New York, a jury has now declared the German-Russian guilty of theft. The exact sentence will be announced on May 9, Sorokin threaten according to "New York Times" up to 15 years in prison. Reason: She cheated the New York High Society for years by a six-figure amount. As Anna Delvey.

Under this name Anna Sorokin lived in luxury hotels in Manhattan, whose bills she did not pay. She got loans from banks and went to designer parties for the best parties, the most exclusive clubs, the finest restaurants. There she also tipped a hundred dollars, the meals and travel cost many thousands. That's what it sounds like in reports about her life as Anna Delvey. In this role, which she had come up with, she was a German millionaire - miles away from the real Anna, who comes from poor backgrounds.

Morocco vacation for $ 62,000

The "New York Magazine" reported last May extensively on the alleged fraud, on private butlers and private jets, about highlights for 800 dollars. Previously, a Vanity Fair photo editor had written about how Sorokin had left her at the cost of a joint Morocco vacation - $ 62,000. The case started rolling.

Also in court it was now about the many high sums, for example, a minibar bill: $ 675. "That's a damn lot of M & Ms," Prosecutor Catherine McCaw said, according to US Rolling Stone. McCaw attested to Sorokin, who had also tried to start a club and borrow $ 22 million for it, criminal energy.

To her well-heeled friends from New York's high society, with whom she had gradually made her voice heard with her confident manner, and who should not have been unfamiliar with Anna Delvey's lifestyle, Sorokin always told her that she did not have any money or not waiting for a transfer. So they helped out. In the end, she deceived her alleged friends by 275,000 US dollars, as was now in court.

Like Frank Sinatra in "New York, New York"

Sorokin's show showed up in court not only in her outfit, but also in the arguments of her lawyer, Todd Spodek. As the New York Post wrote, he said at the end of Tuesday's trial that Sorokin was only following what Frank Sinatra once said in New York, New York: "Sinatra has made a brand new start in New York, as well as Miss Sorokin. " The prosecution saw it differently and argued with success that Anna Sorokin had not only adopted for months the false identity of Anna Delvey, but specifically fictitious log and referrals.

Anna Delvey has become Anna Sorokin again. The beautiful appearance has disappeared - and has revealed the stink-normal reality behind it. Anna Sorokin was born near Moscow, at the age of 16 her family came to Germany. Sorokin went to school in Eschweiler near Aachen. She, who pretended that her family had a fortune of at least 60 million euros, comes from a working-class family. In 2016 she moved to the US and took on the role of Anna Delvey.

Meanwhile, the question is who Anna Sorokins role will play: Netflix wants to film their story. Going to Sorokin, she could imagine being played by Jennifer Lawrence or Margot Robbie.

Anna Sorokin is indeed guilty. But something more important may be something else for her. She is now famous too.