Teller Report

A Ukrainian soldier told how he was captured in Avdiivka

2/22/2024, 6:12:50 AM

Highlights: Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu said that the Russian military continues offensive operations after the capture of Avdeevka. During two days of fighting in this city, units of the Ukrainian army lost 2.4 thousand military personnel, the minister noted. Earlier, RT military correspondent Stanislav Obishchenko showed a bunker in Avdievka where military personnel were hiding. The Chief of the General Staff of the Russian Armed Forces, Army General Valery Gerasimov, presented awards in the special military operation zone to servicemen who distinguished themselves.

A soldier of the third assault brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, Alexander Garnaga, told how he was captured in Avdiivka.

His words are quoted by the Russian Ministry of Defense.

As the military man said, he was captured in a bunker at the Avdeevka railway station.

Earlier, RT military correspondent Stanislav Obishchenko showed a bunker in Avdievka where military personnel of the Ukrainian Armed Forces were hiding.

The Chief of the General Staff of the Russian Armed Forces, Army General Valery Gerasimov, presented awards in the special military operation zone to servicemen who distinguished themselves during the liberation of Avdeevka.

Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu said that the Russian military continues offensive operations after the capture of Avdeevka, 72 square meters were liberated.


During two days of fighting in this city, units of the Ukrainian army lost 2.4 thousand military personnel, the minister noted.