Teller Report

Radicalized students: the figures from a first census revealed by the new minister Nicole Belloubet

2/19/2024, 7:21:07 AM

Highlights: Nicole Belloubet, new Minister of National Education, draws up an initial observation on the number of students radicalized or in the process of being radicalized. Gabriel Attal wanted to get radicalized students out of the school system. But to place them in a specialized institution, they still had to be identified. This is now done after work with the Ministry of the Interior and Justice. Around 160 would be in what we call the ‘high spectrum’, that is to say the students who would be the most radicalized, she says.

Gabriel Attal wanted to get radicalized students out of the school system. But to place them in a specialized institution, they still had to be identified. This is now done after work with the Ministry of the Interior and Justice. Nicole Belloubet, new Minister of National Education, draws up a first observation on the number of students radicalized or in the process of being radicalized. 'to be.

Louise Sallé / Photo credit: AFP 8:15 a.m., February 19, 2024

Gabriel Attal wanted to get radicalized students out of the school system. But to place them in a specialized institution, they still had to be identified. This is now done after work with the Ministry of the Interior and Justice. Nicole Belloubet, new Minister of National Education, draws up an initial observation on the number of students radicalized or in the process of being radicalized. 

The day after the assassination of Dominique Bernard in Arras, Gabriel Attal, then Minister of National Education, declared that he was considering a specialized structure to take care of radicalized minors, in order to remove them from middle and high schools. Work carried out in collaboration with the Ministry of the Interior and that of Justice. For its implementation, the new minister Nicole Belloubet, interviewed this Sunday on BFMTV on this subject, revealed some figures.


 Who are these 1,000 minors on S file, a few dozen of whom are radicalized in France?

“To see that nothing has been done is appalling”

According to the minister, nearly 500 students are currently in the process of radicalization. “Among these, around 160 would be in what we call the ‘high spectrum’, that is to say the students who would be the most radicalized,” she specifies on BFMTV. These figures concern teachers who are worried and wondering how to be protected. They remember the murderer of Dominique Bernard, Mohammed Mogouchkov, who had been the subject of reports by his teachers... Without any measures having been taken to remove him from the school.

The solutions are obviously complex to take care of these young people and know where to place them. But four months after the announcements, time for action insists Didier Lemaire. This philosophy teacher in Trappes had received death threats for having warned about the rise of Islamism. “To say that there are 100 to 200 people who are likely to take action tomorrow and to see that nothing has been done is appalling,” he worries. In her interview, the minister said she would be able to think about what it is possible to do within a week... Time to take the matter back in hand.