Teller Report

Feijóo: "Sánchez prefers to annihilate his party before the PP governs in Galicia"

2/15/2024, 10:09:29 PM

Highlights: Feijóo: "Sánchez prefers to annihilate his party before the PP governs in Galicia" He has warned of "the darkness" that could come to Galicia if a left-wing "multiparty" takes over the Xunta starting on Sunday. The leader of the 'popular' has criticized each and every one of the parties that, in his opinion, are trying to form a'multipartite' in Xunta. "If any of these do not want a thing, it doesn't happen," he said.

The leader of the Popular Party, Alberto Núñez Feijóo, accused the PSOE this Thursday of "abandoning its candidate", "its history", "its acronyms" and...

Betanzos Agencies (La Coruña)

Betanzos (La Coruña)

Updated Thursday, February 15, 2024-22:55

The leader of the Popular Party, Alberto Núñez Feijóo, accused the PSOE this Thursday of "abandoning its candidate", "his history", "his initials" and "his own biography" and denounced that the President of the Government, Pedro Sánchez, " "he prefers to annihilate" his formation "as long as" it prevents Alfonso Rueda from revalidating the Presidency of the

Xunta de Galicia.

At a rally in

Betanzos (La Coruña)

held this Thursday afternoon, the penultimate day of the campaign for the Galician regional elections, Feijóo has claimed the 'populares' as

"guardians of the Spanish Constitution",

of the "principle of equality" and "of freedom", while warning of "the darkness" that could come to Galicia if a left-wing "multiparty" takes over the Xunta starting on Sunday.

Likewise, he has warned that with the nationalism of the BNG Galicia it could end up "in the mess" of Catalonia and Euskadi.

"Sánchez, the more nationalist parties, the better for him because he makes agreements with everyone. He tries to deceive them all, yes, but he makes agreements with everyone," Feijóo criticized, before contrasting it with the fact that the PP has "a national project" that has equated with the Constitution, which gave "the 45 best years" in the history of Spain.

Along these lines, he has criticized that

the Government of Spain "does not rule"

because Congress has to see "what ERC, Podemos, Bildu, Junts and the PNV are going to do": "If any of these do not want a thing, it doesn't happen," he said.

The leader of the 'popular' has criticized each and every one of the parties that, in his opinion, are trying to form a "multipartite" in the Xunta, "or bipartite multiplied by two", to "import to Galicia" this model of Spanish politics.

From the BNG, he has ironized that its candidate, Ana Pontón, is called "the renewal" when she is "the second oldest deputy" in Parliament. Furthermore, he recalled that the majority part of the Bloc, to which Pontón belongs, is the UPG, which calls itself


"There aren't even any in Russia anymore," she said.

Likewise, he recalled that in the European elections in June the BNG will participate in a coalition with EH Bildu, whose head of the list agreed to a sentence of almost two years in prison after recognizing its links with ETA.

Regarding Sumar, which "there are 17 parties," he has joked about the "great chances of success" it has as it was founded by the second vice president of the Government, Yolanda Díaz, who "destroys everything she touches."