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Senegal: 13 opposition candidates join forces to protest against the postponement of the presidential election

2/7/2024, 9:52:08 PM

Highlights: Senegal: 13 opposition candidates join forces to protest against the postponement of the presidential election. For them, it is a constitutional coup by President Macky Sall to stay in power. Dozens of gendarmes patrolled the area around the National Assembly this Monday, February 5, to prevent any gathering. A first appeal was filed with the Supreme Court on Monday to overturn the president's decree which cancels the convocation of the electoral body on February 25. The candidates who are also deputies will file another appeal as quickly as possible to the Constitutional Council to challenge the law.

Opposition candidates are uniting to protest against the postponement of the presidential election to December 15, 2024 voted in the National Assembly on Monday February 5. For them, it’s a blow…

Senegal: 13 opposition candidates join forces to protest against the postponement of the presidential election

Opposition candidates are uniting to protest against the postponement of the presidential election to December 15, 2024 voted in the National Assembly on Monday February 5. For them, it is a constitutional coup by President Macky Sall to stay in power. They gathered today to publicize their fight and try to mobilize in Senegal and internationally.

Dozens of gendarmes patrolled the area around the National Assembly this Monday, February 5, to prevent any gathering. AP - Sylvain Cherkaoui

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With our correspondent in Dakar


Juliette Dubois

There are 13 candidates out of the 20 on the final list to now form a collective. Among them, Amadou Ba, the representative of the candidate of ex-Pastef Bassirou Diomaye Faye, the deputies Déthié Fall and Thierno Alassane Sall and the former minister Aly Ngouille Ndiaye. All denounce a constitutional coup by

Macky Sall

to keep power beyond April 2, the date on which he was to cede it to his successor.


His mandate expires on April 2. After this deadline, Macky Sall will no longer be recognized as President of the Republic. He will not be able to take any action that will commit Senegal

 ,” declared Aly Ngouille Ndiaye, candidate and former minister.

A first appeal was filed with the Supreme Court on Monday to overturn the president's decree which cancels the convocation of the electoral body on February 25. The candidates who are also deputies will file another appeal as quickly as possible to the Constitutional Council to challenge the law passed on Monday which postpones the election to December 15. 

Read alsoSenegal: arrest of opponents demonstrating against the postponement of the presidential election

And if the collective welcomes the American reaction which judges that the postponement of the vote “ 

cannot be considered legitimate

 ” or that of


which calls for “

 reestablishing the electoral calendar 

”, candidates denounce a weak position of certain chancelleries Western countries and demand strong condemnation. “ 

I expect the same position among the other chancelleries in this region

 ,” criticized Déthié Fall.

Next step: a convergence of struggles with unions, civil society and all Senegalese people. “ 

We therefore call on all men, all unions, patriots, transporter organizations, the informal sector to mobilize within deadlines that will have to be defined very quickly 

,” launched Thierno Alassane Sall.

Discussions are underway to organize strikes and ghost town operations. Several candidates also plan to continue campaigning despite the postponement of the vote.

Read alsoSenegalese civil society mobilizes in the face of the postponement of the presidential election


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