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The country issued its first special document - the silver economy spawned new fields and new tracks

1/22/2024, 8:46:26 PM

Highlights: The country issued its first special document - the silver economy spawned new fields and new tracks. The silver economy is the sum of a series of economic activities such as providing products or services to the elderly and preparing for the aging stage. It involves a wide range of areas, a long industrial chain, diverse business formats, and huge potential. The "Opinions" emphasize the strengthening of the application of scientific and technological innovation. Focusing on key areas such as rehabilitation assistive devices and smart health and elderly care, a number of forward-looking and strategic scientific and technology research projects will be planned.

  Science and Technology Daily, Beijing, January 22 (Reporter Liu Yuanyuan) On the 22nd, the State Council Information Office held a press conference regarding the "Opinions on Developing a Silver Economy to Improve the Well-Being of the Elderly" (hereinafter referred to as the "Opinions") recently issued by the General Office of the State Council. The situation is introduced.

  The reporter learned that this is the first special document issued by the country to support the development of the silver economy.

Zhang Shixin, deputy secretary-general of the National Development and Reform Commission, introduced at the press conference that the "Opinions" are a programmatic document to promote the development of the silver economy in the new era.

  26 measures to support the development of the silver economy

  What is the silver economy?

The "Opinions" pointed out that the silver economy is the sum of a series of economic activities such as providing products or services to the elderly and preparing for the aging stage. It involves a wide range of areas, a long industrial chain, diverse business formats, and huge potential.

  Liu Ming, director of the Department of Social Development of the National Development and Reform Commission, said that specifically, the silver economy includes two aspects: the “aging economy in the elderly stage” and the “preparatory economy for the elderly in the pre-aging stage.”

  "The "Opinions" specifically proposed 26 measures in four aspects." Zhang Shixin said that these four aspects include developing people's livelihood undertakings and solving urgent problems and worries; expanding product supply and improving quality levels; focusing on diversified needs and cultivating potential industries; Strengthen factor protection and optimize the development environment.

  The reporter noticed that the "Opinions" clearly stated that we should create a new business format for smart health and senior care, improve the promotion catalog of smart health and senior care products and services, and promote the use of new generation information technology and smart devices such as mobile terminals, wearable devices, and service robots in homes, communities, and institutions. Integrated applications in elderly care scenarios, etc.

  The "Opinions" emphasize the strengthening of the application of scientific and technological innovation.

Focusing on key areas such as rehabilitation assistive devices and smart health and elderly care, a number of forward-looking and strategic scientific and technological research projects will be planned.

Support scientific research activities in the silver economy through central fiscal science and technology plans (special projects, funds, etc.) to improve the level of independent research and development.

Increase special support for the silver economy through high-quality industrial development and the development of strategic emerging industries.

  In addition, the "Opinions" also proposed a number of specific measures to promote the development of industrial clusters, strengthen innovation in elderly products, vigorously develop the rehabilitation assistive device industry, develop the anti-aging industry, and improve data element support to support the development of the silver economy.

  Silver economy breeds new opportunities

  It is worth noting that the "Opinions" were released as Document No. 1 of 2024 by the General Office of the State Council.

Why is there so much emphasis on the silver economy?

  Zhang Shixin explained that developing the silver economy is a practical need to realize the people's aspirations for a better life, a powerful measure to promote high-quality development, and an important support for Chinese-style modernization.

  "There are nearly 300 million elderly people in our country. As my country's economic and social development level continues to improve, the elderly's desire and demand to improve their quality of life is constantly increasing." Zhang Shixin analyzed that the silver economy covers primary, secondary and tertiary industries, giving birth to new opportunities. It will also give rise to new fields and new tracks.

  He Yaqiong, director of the Consumer Goods Industry Department of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, said that in recent years, the multi-level, diversified and personalized consumption needs of the elderly have promoted the development of my country's elderly products industry.

According to statistics, my country's elderly products market will reach 5 trillion in 2023, and the product types and quantities will also reach a certain scale.

  "The silver economy covers a wide area, but at this stage, related industries are mainly concentrated in basic elderly care services such as catering, nursing, and health care. However, the diversified, differentiated, and personalized needs of the elderly are becoming more and more strong and urgent, but have not been effectively satisfied, which contains huge development opportunities." Liu Ming pointed out.

  Liu Ming introduced that in response to the shortcomings of these industries, the "Opinions" combined the development foundation of the supply side and the demand characteristics of the elderly and people preparing for the elderly to focus on planning seven potential industries, covering elderly products, smart health care products, and rehabilitation assistance. High-quality services such as appliances, anti-aging, pension finance and senior tourism, as well as areas such as aging-friendly transformation of the whole society.