Teller Report

The United Arab Emirates and Qatar reopen their embassies

6/19/2023, 5:13:34 PM

Highlights: After years of tensions, the UAE and Qatar have re-established their "diplomatic representation" The two countries announced on Monday, June 19, "the resumption of the activities of the embassy" The UAE and other Gulf countries, as well as Egypt, severed relations with Qatar in 2017. The small Gulf emirate was accused by its neighbours of supporting extremist organisations and interfering in the affairs of states in the region, which Doha has always denied. The reconciliation was recorded in January 2021 with the al-Ula agreements.

After years of tensions, the UAE and Qatar have re-established their "diplomatic representation". The two countries announced on Monday, June 19, "the resumption of the activities of the embassy...

The United Arab Emirates and Qatar reopen their embassies

After years of tensions, the UAE and Qatar have re-established their "diplomatic representation". The two countries announced on Monday, June 19, "the resumption of the activities of the Embassy of the United Arab Emirates in Doha, and the Embassy of Qatar in Abu Dhabi, as well as its Consulate in Dubai".

The Qatari embassy reopened in Abu Dhabi after a six-year hiatus. Photo released by QNA on Monday, June 19, 2023. AFP--

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With our correspondent in the region, Nicolas Keraudren

The United Arab Emirates and Qatar had not yet fully restored diplomatic relations.

With the reopening of their respective embassies, this is now done. On Monday morning, the head of UAE diplomacy and the Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs of Qatar "welcomed" this step during a telephone conversation.

It was in 2017 that the UAE and other Gulf countries, as well as Egypt, severed relations with Qatar. The small Gulf emirate was accused by its neighbours of supporting extremist organisations and interfering in the affairs of states in the region, which Doha has always denied.

The reconciliation was recorded in January 2021 with the al-Ula agreements after several years of boycott. Saudi Arabia was the first country to significantly warm its relations with Qatar. For others, however, it has been longer. The Kingdom of Bahrain only announced the restoration of diplomatic relations with Doha last April.

>> READ ALSO: Surprise visit of the Emirati president to Qatar, sign of diplomatic warming

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  • Qatar
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